Fishman1995's update


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Okay, mom said that we have used Shim's before and can use one to level the dresser, and we also signed the contract. Here is a picture of it. Now can we PLEASE work on stocking, i have so many questions!



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You might start by going back a year and reading all the questions you already ask because I think most of them have been answered. At least 1000 of your posts have probably had to do with stocking.


Small Fish
May 24, 2011
You're such a stupid troll...seriously, go back to your spot under the bridge.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood, I'm certainly not a troll. In the past he's had problems overstocking and killing fish and I think he's done well to avoid those two problems. Let me clarify, congrats fishman! Keep up the good work!

Here he gets chased off the board and when he returns he has made progress and everything looks good and BAM you need a different light, you need to level the foundation on your house, why did you clean your tank. Maybe if he posted a profile pic someone would make fun of his clothes, too. That is why I said "I can see why you've stayed away."

Back to the thread though,

Fishman, I think you should reconsider your old plan of getting shelldwellers. I got some multies and they're cool little fish. Lots of digging and chasing and fin flaring and whatnot. And if your mom bought you five, you'd have like 20 in a few months and they'd do fine in a 10 gal.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I did consider that Lionel, i did find some rather large snail shells at a lake we went to last weekend which we're returning to this weekend, i may collect a bucket full just in case.

OC- are you saying your not going to help any farther on my thread? I wish you would, you've had lots of fishkeeping experience.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
So you will be getting 10 gallon tank eventually as promised by your mom in the contract.

In terms of stocking your going to be limited and it's important (this time around) that you don't overstock the tank and listen to our advice (its given with the best of intentions). Is there anything particular about stocking for this tank you were hoping for?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
If Fishman would go back and read most of the posts from the past year I am sure he could figure out some of the scenarios that would or wouldn't work because he came up with a lot of them. The thing that keeps getting repeated over and over again is that he really wants cichlids - aggressive fish. As he puts it, "fish that will show some fight, but not kill each other". A 10 gallon doesn't have room for anything like that. Besides, before talking about stocking, he needs to own the test kit, which he has been promising to buy for some time now. What happened to the babysitting job for the summer??


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
The Teskit, is a christmas gift. I know i normally want aggresive things but ive finally got in my head that i cant have that in a 10 gallon tank, not like i want. So my goal now is i want a pretty peaceful elegant center piece/center pair of fish and build the decorations and everything around it/them. Which is why i asked about the Tateurndina ocellicauda and the Limia Nigrofasciatus
because i know specifically ive never asked about those 2 nor have i ever seen them brought up here so i was sure you guys could read up on them as i have and put your 2 cents in, such as the fact that what ive read said Tateurndina's like PVC pipe but i think thats the ugliest decoration i could have so whats my alternatives, cause in the end i want happy fish. Now im pretty well interested in the Tateurndina's so can you guys let me know some options that i could put with them thats not going to bother them or cause fin damage or anything. I would like a Male/Female pair. Il go back through my threads (good heavens!) and try to find the ones about ADF's to re-read about those. Thanx in advance and id really appreciate it if OC would return to my thread and give her 2 cents cause if im not wrong, shes the one here now thats been keeping fish longest and her opinion ways heavely on what i do and when i do it. Thanks :D


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
man didnt even think about changing the litres to gallons on that website, and your right even thou they may out at 2.5 inchs it says they need a 20 gallon :( well id rather have a male female pair or something and 3 other fish/shrimp/Frogs i may do 3 ADF's and a pair of something, but not gourami's its difficult to find a female. Anyone else got any good ideas? If there's no other possible pairs i guess il just have to go with a nice Centerpiece fish and 4 of something else. Also KC, from what ive read, American Flagfish have a bit of a nasty attitude. Id prefer eleganse and long fins ect. this time, and color :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Can someone please tell me why we are, yet again, stocking a tank that doesn't yet (and may never!) exist..?

You may run into issues with a couple of the above list also because they're very hard to find. They're also livebearers which will likely, very quickly, over-populate your tank.

I agree with Thyra. We've stocked so many phantom 10gallons in the past for you that you might as well just go back through your old threads and look at lists on there.

And fishman I think OC is probably just tired, like I am, of the same cycle. "I'm getting a tank, help me stock it" *some weeks pass* "I'm not getting the tank". It takes up a lot of time and we're very rarely listened to, evident in the fact that nothing ever changes.

Some constructive tips for the future (if you'll take them on board), you should really never completely rinse and clean your gravel and filter in hot water from an established tank. You'll probably have created a mini-cycle because bacteria attaches to hard surfaces (i.e gravel and ornaments, filter media) and only superficial amounts are found in the water column itself. However without a test kit we won't know unless your fish start having problems, after which it may be too late.

I'm going to apologise now for the above which is probably in a very short tone, but it's 6am over here, I've had very little sleep, and for my first visit to the forum in a few months I wasn't expecting to be repeating myself on a typical fishman thread.. again. Someone get me coffee?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Im not quite postive Rob ,but you did see the Contract yes? oh and i forgot to tell you all, in the contract, the time at which the purchase is going to be made, is at Tax time this year because mother said that she wanted to get me something else for christmas, i also found out why i couldnt have anything bigger than a 10 gallon. because as you all rememeber, my uncle made me a roughly 29 gallon tank outta wood and glass and tank sealent, however, during the night, the bottom gave out and water went everywhere and ruined my Hardwood floor in my room. Mama said had that never happened she wouldnt be so strict on what size tank i could have. And i dont blame you MK. In fact, im more on your side than my own defensive side. But as i also said, i intend to break this trend i have lol. Btw, here's your coffee, i didnt know how you liked it so i just made it with a equal balance of sugar and cream :) enjoy, and i hope you will help to stock my tank either now or when i do get it.


Superstar Fish
They are a little aggressive but, with 10G you are really limited to just 2 or 3 small fish in my opinion. So if you had one male and one or two female flag fish it would work. Just be sure to have enough cover for all of them to have their own space. Its tough to stock a 10G if you want more then one type of fish that are not 100% peaceful community type. Also just because its labeled peaceful or semi aggressive may not always be true if mixed with certain types of fish. Heck I have three feeder fish that have survived from six years ago in my old cichlid tank, they grew into nice looking fantails. I now have them in my new Oscar tank of three that are 1/2 to 3/4 grown at this time. These three fantails can give the 3 Oscars a real rough time. The reason the Oscars are with the fantails is because the where in my Jack Dempsey tank but, they where roughing up my Jacks so I had to remove them. I call them my Ninja Goldfish LOL. Anyway, back to the thread, I am getting side tracked.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The tank your uncle made and the tank your Dad bought were both doomed to failure because your dresser wasn't and still isn't level. Homemade tanks are difficult in the first place. The contract says nothing about when you will get the tank and tax time is over for this year and to say next year could make it ten or more months away depending on when your Mom does her taxes. Your problem has been maintenance since you started obviously and that needs to come before fish. Did you not get any money for baby sitting this summer so you could at least buy the test kit instead of hoping to get that for Christmas?

Glad to see you are still around MK, are you making any progress with your tank?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I don't really like homemade tanks....mostly because I wouldn't trust myself to build one correctly.
I didn't realize that you still didn't have a liquid test kit....get that before the tank. You are already have one tank so before you get two you should have all the equipment (including test kit) to support them.

So lets end the stocking discussion until you get your tank, in the mean time Fishman you can independently research possible fish and when you get the tank you can bring all your ideas to us. I'm guessing once you do your own research on possible fish you will most likely answer almost all of your own questions. That way everyone will be saved some time and you can learn some new things about fish (I love learning about fish).