

Small Fish
Aug 4, 2011
new york
Moving some fish around in the tanks and trying to decide what fish school to increase in size (that video of the schooling balloon red eyes inspired me). these are my options:

glolites tetras
balloon red eye tetras
celestial pearl danios
white cloud minnows
hi fin black skirt tetras
congo tetras

Welcome your thoughts!


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2011
new york
im thinking that im going to go for the cpds even though they don't shoal and keep everyone where they are. plus i think i can get more of them than the other fish i listed due to size.

the congos dont really shoal either do they?

Feb 27, 2009
im thinking that im going to go for the cpds even though they don't shoal and keep everyone where they are.
CPDs breed like rabbits. If you feed live foods or meaty frozen foods for a few weeks, then provide some java moss or similar plant, you will have tons of them, even with the fish you have in there.

the congos dont really shoal either do they?
They do shoal, but the problem is that many fish that do shoal, only do so when there is a reason to. If no larger fish are in the area to give them cause to bunch up, they relax and don't move together as a group. I have a group of 9 Chili Rasbora that shoal together as a group only at feeding time. Otherwise, they are in two groups led by a dominant male. The two males 'herd' them from one area of the tank to the other.


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2011
new york
you're right - remember the shoaling due to survival instinct (think it was after watching discovery channel or animal planet and related that to baitballs).

on breeding cpds, perhaps not a lot more but a few. not sure of the sexes of the current two i have(the ones i have were the last two at the lfs). so maybe 4-5 more and if magic happens between them and they spawn then will let nature take its course in the tank. not really interested in having too heavy a population of cpds running about in the community it would ruin my "balance". is that too...vicious of me leaving the fry as live food? my guppies bred and i let nature run its course without separating and i ended up only with one new one.

Feb 27, 2009
not sure of the sexes of the current two i have(the ones i have were the last two at the lfs).
They are easy to sex, the females are not as colorful and will have a black dot where their anal fit meets the body. They can be sexed at just a few weeks old. Post pics if you can!

As far as letting nature 'take its course' on fry, no, I don't think its even possible or advisable to try to save every fish. I had a male Badis badis that had over 80 fry in two matings. I'd still be trying to find homes for them all if I had saved every one!