So anyways I have a 20G tank with...
7 harlequin rasboras (the biggest being about 1 inch)
and 2 giant kuhli loaches (the biggest being aproximatly 2.5 inches.)
Anyways I have had 4 of my harlequins and both my kuhli loaches for over 2 years. And my other 3 harlequins for about a week. So anyways I was hoping I could get 5 glowlight tetras and a pair of cherry barbs.
7 harlequin rasboras (the biggest being about 1 inch)
and 2 giant kuhli loaches (the biggest being aproximatly 2.5 inches.)
Anyways I have had 4 of my harlequins and both my kuhli loaches for over 2 years. And my other 3 harlequins for about a week. So anyways I was hoping I could get 5 glowlight tetras and a pair of cherry barbs.