For a 40b or 58g. Heavily planted.
If I use pure flourite then the seachem calculater said i need 30 bags!!!
Question is...
If I use pure Flourite then is it worth the money? Would I not need to suppliment with Iron or Flourish if I used Flourite, or I assume still suppliment because of the plants that don't respond as strongly to substrate nutrients.
Or can I mix it..but would it really save any money buying additive suppliments to make up for it?
I will have 96watts on the tank...possibly 132total watts if I get another strip.
And a DIY co2...maybe 2 2L just to be safe.
And for now a HOB...maybe 2 HOB.
And then there are diff. types of flourite, would I be better off investing in the onyx?
Money is....isnt an issue. I wanna do it right the first time so I don't have to spend more $ lately. But my budget isnt super great atm.
If I use pure flourite then the seachem calculater said i need 30 bags!!!
Question is...
If I use pure Flourite then is it worth the money? Would I not need to suppliment with Iron or Flourish if I used Flourite, or I assume still suppliment because of the plants that don't respond as strongly to substrate nutrients.
Or can I mix it..but would it really save any money buying additive suppliments to make up for it?
I will have 96watts on the tank...possibly 132total watts if I get another strip.
And a DIY co2...maybe 2 2L just to be safe.
And for now a HOB...maybe 2 HOB.
And then there are diff. types of flourite, would I be better off investing in the onyx?
Money is....isnt an issue. I wanna do it right the first time so I don't have to spend more $ lately. But my budget isnt super great atm.