I do not wish to argue with you, Kiara1125, but you likely saw a TV show about Garra rufa or Cyprinion macrostomus. They are often kept as pets and in the Orient, used in spas to clean dead skin from customers' feet. It is illegal to use them in that way here in the United States.
No Otocinclus species consume skin, dead or alive, from people, other fish or any other animal. They cannot digest it, so would not consume it.
You said they eat dead skin. I say they do not. Now anyone coming to the forum can make up their own minds and do their own research.
As for Fishman1995's issue with algae, he said he wanted to reduce or eliminate algae, not encourage more to grow, which is why I recommended the timer. If you keep your lights on even longer to grow algae, that is your choice. Do what you want, its your tank.
Fishman1995: If you want to just not have the algae, I'd recommend a timer to keep the lights on no more than 10 hours a day, and increase water changes. Keep nitrates at or under 10, ammonia and nitrite 0, and lights 10 hours, and you should be able to eliminate the algae. If you want to try otos to eat the algae you don't want, I wish you and the otos the best of luck. I personally wouldn't put one or several in so small of a tank. But, as it often happens, do what you wish, its your money and your tank.
No more 2cents from me. Happy fish keeping, y'all.