My Gold dust molly momma is hiding herself in corners and caves, plants, anything. If I try to find her, she hides herself once more. Do you think she could be getting ready to have another batch of babies?
Unlikely that she is giving birth again so soon. More likely suffering from ammonia and/or nitrite poisoning.
Have you had the water tested yet since you cannot get a water test kit?
Are you doing daily water changes? If so, how much are you changing?
My advice is to not move things around to look for her (unhiding her) but just to let her rest as best she can. Chasing her out of a place she is hiding is just increasing her stress.
One more thing (or maybe a few). About how long will it take the babies to grow to their full size? What can I do to speed it up other than warm water?
The only way to grow the fry to adult size is clean water and a larger aquarium. Warmer water increases metabolism and could increase growth speed, IF the fish have sufficient space to grow. In a mayo jar, a half of a 10 gallon tank (or even the whole 10 gallon tank), you will not see much growth. Fry will be stunted in the overcrowded conditions.
With good conditions, fry to adulthood is about 4 months.