Ick Treatment Safe For Fry?

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I have 9 molly fry in my tank, and I noticed that one of my adult black mollies has a small case of ick. Would it be safe to put medication in the tank with the babies in there, or would it be too strong and kill them? I don't want to loose my babies!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What was describe at first was around the mollie's mouth which sounded more like fungus than ich.. I whole-heartedly agree with the treatment, though, OC.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Okay, I don't have the stuff yet, but I will put the information on here as soon as I have them. I will get fungus and ick meds, just in case the fish get one or the other. I really need to get a better heater, too.

Is it Ick, or Ich? Everything on any med bottles I've ever seen said Ick.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
SlateSpider said:
Is it Ick, or Ich? Everything on any med bottles I've ever seen said Ick.
It's both. It's one of those words where you can spell it differently but it means the same thing and is pronounced the same. I say Ich. I would just stick with the higher temperatures and cleaner water. The high temps (around 80 F) will not only kill Ich, but it helps the fry grow faster along with the clean water. That means weekly water changes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Have you "googled" fish diseases and looked at the pictures to see if you can tell which is which? The Ich I've seen is spots like grains of salt where is the fungus is more "patchy" sometimes like little pieces of cotton. Ich/ick is spelled commonly either way, but the disease is actually Ichthyophthirius multifilis. In either case you will be doing daily partial water changes and vacuums.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Okay, my molly definitely has a piece of fungus attached to it ( Google help ). The spot seems to be growing bigger and then small again, over and over. Do you think that the other fish are picking at it?

My Gold dust molly momma is hiding herself in corners and caves, plants, anything. If I try to find her, she hides herself once more. Do you think she could be getting ready to have another batch of babies?

One more thing (or maybe a few). About how long will it take the babies to grow to their full size? What can I do to speed it up other than warm water? Will it be safe to introduce them to the other fish once they are not bite-sized pieces?


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Once they're big enough u can add them back to the tank. In my experience, without warm water it took about 6 months for them to reach full size. As fire your molly, she's probably hiding from the male to recuperate after having her babies. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to have a male chase u after giving birth and using up a lot of your energy.

Feb 27, 2009
My Gold dust molly momma is hiding herself in corners and caves, plants, anything. If I try to find her, she hides herself once more. Do you think she could be getting ready to have another batch of babies?
Unlikely that she is giving birth again so soon. More likely suffering from ammonia and/or nitrite poisoning.

Have you had the water tested yet since you cannot get a water test kit?

Are you doing daily water changes? If so, how much are you changing?

My advice is to not move things around to look for her (unhiding her) but just to let her rest as best she can. Chasing her out of a place she is hiding is just increasing her stress.

One more thing (or maybe a few). About how long will it take the babies to grow to their full size? What can I do to speed it up other than warm water?
The only way to grow the fry to adult size is clean water and a larger aquarium. Warmer water increases metabolism and could increase growth speed, IF the fish have sufficient space to grow. In a mayo jar, a half of a 10 gallon tank (or even the whole 10 gallon tank), you will not see much growth. Fry will be stunted in the overcrowded conditions.

With good conditions, fry to adulthood is about 4 months.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Walmart does have many of the same things that both Petco and Petsmart have, but they just don't have as much and it is usually cheaper. If it is the same brand and what I need right away, I will buy it at Walmart. I am 9 miles from a Walmart, but it is a 60 mile round trip to Petsmart and even further to Petco. I had suggested you check Petco on line, because most everything is considerably cheaper there. Also Walmart has many things you can order on line and they will ship to the store for pickup for free.

Feb 27, 2009
Kiara1125 - It was likely a combination of heat speeding up the life cycle of the Ich and vacuum/water changes. Ich can still reproduce at 82 degree temperature and reinfect susceptible fish.

Anyone reading this and wants to know the temperatures needed, please consult more than one source before making your decisions on temperature.


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Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Okay, I have the treatment. It says 'Anti-fungal fish remedy' by Pimafix. It says that it was made from West Indian Bay Trees, but it smelled TERRIBLE when I opened it! Even my dog turned up his nose at it when I let him sniff it!

Here is the stuff I got.