I've been told (even by some people on this forum) that small aquarium fish do not have teeth, but they grind up their food using plates in their mouth. Well, that may be true for many fish, but not for Tetras. I've fpund out that Tetras are part of the Piranha family, and I was interested in that. Unfortunately, I forgot about it and didn't look more into it. But now, I was looking up information about Shrimp on Planet Inverts Home .:. Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Crayfish and more. and found something interesting. Now tell me, who else sees teeth on this little Cardinal Tetra?? *Photo is property of Peter Maquire at PlanetInverts.com.
Link to photos by Peter Maquire. Photos by Peter Maquire .:. A Macro Photography Exhibit
Link to photos by Peter Maquire. Photos by Peter Maquire .:. A Macro Photography Exhibit