Suggestions for 5 gallon Planted Tank


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2004
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So I've been out of the hobby for a while due to several moves and time constraints due to daily life. I found a 5-gallon tank a while ago and was thinking of setting up a small planted tank. I'm thinking probably low tech to minimize hassle and just throw some java fern in. Unfortunately all the good aquarium shops in my area have shut down, so I don't have a good selection of fish to choose from (and now that I think about it, the java fern might be difficult too. But I can always mail order the fern. Regarding the fish, I guess I can always go with a dwarf gourami, betta, or guppies. BOOOOORRRRRIIIINNNGGGG! Too bad I don't have access to badis badis or cherry shrimp. Or maybe even killifish. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can put in this thing?

Feb 27, 2009
I would not recommend Badis badis for a 5 gallon tank. With males reaching 3" or so, females slightly smaller, they need more room. Perhaps you were meaning Dario dario (used be called 'Scarlet Badis')?

Mar 18, 2012
A 5gal gives you very few options on different stocking choices. I would only recommend a betta or a shrimp tank. Galaxy rasboras may be an option but i have very limited knowledge of them so it would be unwise for me to wholly recommend them. as mentioned above a 10 would give you far more choices.

Feb 27, 2009
"Galaxy rasbora" are actually a danio (Danio margaritatus). They can do ok in a 5 gallon tank if the tank is established and you are careful to keep ammonia and nitrite at zero. In my experience, they do best with nitrates under 10 as well. I would put no more than 5 or 6 in the tank, with 1 or 2 males and the rest females. With a heavily planted tank, you should have lots of fry make it to juvie stage and they are easily traded at your LFS for supplies.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2004
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I would not recommend Badis badis for a 5 gallon tank. With males reaching 3" or so, females slightly smaller, they need more room. Perhaps you were meaning Dario dario (used be called 'Scarlet Badis')?
Dario Dario - that's the one. Like I said, I've been out of the loop for a while. The plan is to stick with the 5 gallon I already have. I don't have the money to invest in another tank, and I have to wait a while to finish some long term renovation plans to get my big tank up and running again.

The 5-gallon will be a planted tank, so that will help alot with the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate headaches. I don't plan on overloading the tank with fish, either. I'm just looking to put one fish in the tank.