More Molly Trouble

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I currently have 2 adult Mollies (+15 fry). I have a Black Molly and a Gold Dust Molly.

The Black Molly just got over a case of popeye, and now she is loosing scales and has cloudy eye. (Hint: NEVER get black mollies! Mine have had Scale loss, Fin Rot, Ick, Fungus, popeye, and even Death!)

My Gold Dust molly is just laying on the gravel, barely breathing. When I put my hand on the glass, he swims around a bit, then sinks back down to the bottom. He seems to be having trouble staying up in the water. He just sinks like a rock!

What is wrong with my babies?! Any help will be appreciated!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
Whenever fish seem off, id do a water change immediately. Test your water also.

Pop eye, ick, fin associated with bad water quality due to not being cycles properly, overstocked, or not enough water changes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Wait a minute - didn't you say your gold dust mollie is also laying on the bottom and barely breathing? How often are you changing water? It seems to me you had all those fish in a 10g tank and if so a daily partial water change would be required I would think. You obviously are aware you already had all the problems you've listed.

Feb 27, 2009
I currently have 2 adult Mollies (+15 fry). I have a Black Molly and a Gold Dust Molly.

The Black Molly just got over a case of popeye, and now she is loosing scales and has cloudy eye. (Hint: NEVER get black mollies! Mine have had Scale loss, Fin Rot, Ick, Fungus, popeye, and even Death!)

My Gold Dust molly is just laying on the gravel, barely breathing. When I put my hand on the glass, he swims around a bit, then sinks back down to the bottom. He seems to be having trouble staying up in the water. He just sinks like a rock!
The thing is, all of those problems have ONLY affected my black mollies. it has left the other fish alone! And I don't have a test kit... I'll do a water change, for now. And i'll look into getting a test kit. I keep meaning to, but forget...
Is your gold-dust molly affected or not?

I agree with what others have said. All of what you list are dirctly related to poor water quality. How often and how much water are you changing?

Just my opinion, but if you are going to overstock a tank, it is irresponsible to do so without frequently testing your water quality.

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Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
It upsets me to see this (havent been on for awhile). SlateSpider- I know I've said this before, no matter what you post about, your going to get the same answer. Whats your water parameters? Do a water change! BUY A TEST KIT!
I would think that you'd have it figured out by now. Buy a test kit before you post. Test your water before you post. Do a water change before you post. That way you have the answers for OC, Fuzz16, Thyra and KcMopar. Sorry that I'm being a little blunt but its really easy, you just dont seem to understand it.


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
So do you still have these mollies in a 10 gallon tank? What are the fry in? Just wondering because fry grow pretty quick, if their in the right conditions that is.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
Well, the gold dust molly finally died, and no, he was never affected. Only the black ones.

10g: 1 black molly, 2 Danios, 1 cory catfish, 5 molly fry (about 1 inch, now. Found homes), 1 crowntail betta, 1 nerite snail.
5.5g: 13 molly fry (found home for 5, but not gone yet).

Those are my tanks.

Every sunday (and occasionally once in the middle of the week), I do a 90 - 100 percent water change.
temp: 80ish. Too high? I don't have a heater. The lights keep it that temp.

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Feb 27, 2009
Well, the gold dust molly finally died, and no, he was never affected. Only the black ones.
What does it mean that the gold dust molly was never affected? What caused his death?

Every sunday (and occasionally once in the middle of the week), I do a 90 - 100 percent water change.
How do you do a 100% water change? Where are the fish during this process?

temp: 80ish. Too high? I don't have a heater. The lights keep it that temp.
What type of light do you have that puts off that much heat? Large changes in temperature are very stressful to fish. If the tank is '80ish' with the light on, what is the temp when the light is off?


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
The problem is the amount of fish you have in that 10 gallon. I wouldn't put two grown mollies in a 10 gallon lets alone the 10 or 11 you have in it.

I agree with OC. If yout black mollie was the only one to get infected, then how did your gold dust mollie die? That doesnt quite make sense to me.

Do you use anything when your doing water changes? Like Prime, Stress Coat, Stress Zyme or any aquarium salt?


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Oh and walmart sells little 10 gallon automatic heaters pretty cheap. Thats what I use for my 10s. Their pretty easy, no nob to turn, no hastle trying to get that right temp. It does it by itself. Id also get some different lights (witch walmart also sells). They sell them for just over a dollar, and i believe theres 2 in a package.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
What does it mean that the gold dust molly was never affected? What caused his death?
Only the black mollies got sick or diseases. I have no idea how the gold dust molly died.

How do you do a 100% water change? Where are the fish during this process?
I put the fish in a small carrier cage, and slowly get them used to the new water by putting a little bit of the new water in at a time. Then I net them into the new water.

What type of light do you have that puts off that much heat? Large changes in temperature are very stressful to fish. If the tank is '80ish' with the light on, what is the temp when the light is off?
I don't know what kind of lights they are. They are long, and skinny. Sorry if that doesn't help much! The light is almost always on, so I don't know what the temp is when it's off.

When I change the water, I use dechlorinator stuff.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Unless the gold molly died of old age, it also was sick or diseased.
Why do you remove your fish when you do a water change? Seems that this would cause undue stress - perhaps one of the causes of their ill health.
Using lights as a heat source isn't a good idea. You should give your fish some time with the lights out, and you need to have a constant temperature. Also likely a cause of stress.
Sorry, SlateSpider, but your fishkeeping practices are a mess.