Fish Swimming in top corner of only? 3 tanks


Small Fish
Feb 23, 2008


My white albino african cichlid used to be extremely playful and roam around and say whats up to me now he swims in the corner like he has brain damage.

I have 3 tanks 30 g, 20g, and i just bought a 70g. I have 3 african cichlids.

I had him in the 30g tank with a similar size oj cichlid and oj got aggressive on him and beat him up pretty bad. Now hes in the 20g tank with a smaller non aggressive fish and he just swims in the corner like a little *****. Hes been doing that for about 2 months now. How do i fix him?

i have 3 fish. WHo should i put in the big tank? Oj the killer? The white corner swimmer? Or the medium size yellow?

Thanks!! :):eek:

Feb 27, 2009
Now hes in the 20g tank with a smaller non aggressive fish and he just swims in the corner like a little *****. Hes been doing that for about 2 months now. How do i fix him?
What species is the 'white albino African cichlid'? What else is in the 20 gallong tank with him/her? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and temperature?


Small Fish
Feb 23, 2008
what species? nothing else is in the tanks bud. i have 3 fish total.. u are no help

i took a close look at albino and he has 3 ****bubbles**** in one of his eyes ??????!


Superstar Fish
what species? nothing else is in the tanks bud. i have 3 fish total.. u are no help

i took a close look at albino and he has 3 ****bubbles**** in one of his eyes ??????!
I think OC was wondering what African type you had that would be compatible with a Midas (Oj) cichlid. Really there are NONE, there are many types of African Albinos. You should not mix Africans with New world cichlids as they have different ways of showing aggression and different pheromones they release into the water which will confuse them and be very stressful to the different types of fish. You would need another large and aggressive type New world cichlid to go with the Midas. This can be a challenge as most likely one of the fish would kill the other, maybe but, still very challenging either way. Keep like types together and you will do much better. Google if you have lack of info on a fish or just ask here before a purchase to be sure it fits with your other type of fish.