I need some info.

Apr 10, 2012
Hello every one, I came here for some tips and tricks from the expert's.

So right now I have a 40 gallon tank set up and running. I have a whisper 60 filter that came with the tank and a Tetrea ex 30 that came from my old tank(20 gallons).
The fish that I have stocked in there right now are as follows. 3 Diamond Mollies(still babies), 3 Bala sharks, 2 Angle fish, 1 Pleco, 1 clown loach, 1 Blue Gourami, and 9 Platy's which is to many I feel.
I have no real plants but many fake ones with a sand substrate.
I want to make sure that my fish have the best possible chance at being happy and healthy
My question is...Do I have the right fish in the tank together(they all seem to get along)?
Once I get the 20 gallon back up and running with live plants who should I move to it?
Anything more should I be doing?

Any advice or help would make me and my fish very happy, Thanks!

Apr 10, 2012
It sounds to me like your tank is overstocked. Those bala shars which may be cute and small now are going to get HUGE and your other fish may become snacks. Depending on what kind of pleco you have that fish may also get huge. The clown loach will get to be a foot long. Angel fish in my experience can be semi-aggressive and pick on their tank mates (they are cichlids after all). If I were you I would definitely try to take the bala sharks, clown loach and the pleco back to my lfs.
I would keep the mollies, and platys and blue gourami in a tank together as a community tank and move the angel fish to a separate tank.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
It sounds to me like your tank is overstocked. Those bala shars which may be cute and small now are going to get HUGE and your other fish may become snacks. Depending on what kind of pleco you have that fish may also get huge. The clown loach will get to be a foot long. Angel fish in my experience can be semi-aggressive and pick on their tank mates (they are cichlids after all). If I were you I would definitely try to take the bala sharks, clown loach and the pleco back to my lfs.
I would keep the mollies, and platys and blue gourami in a tank together as a community tank and move the angel fish to a separate tank.
While I agree with a lot of your advice, I personally have had no problem keeping angels in a community tank setup.

Apr 10, 2012
While I agree with a lot of your advice, I personally have had no problem keeping angels in a community tank setup.
I had a really bad black angel once who killed everything except a pleco in my 55 gallon tank including other angels. So it's my inclination to be overly cautious with them. I guess maybe the op can keep them in the big tank and then move them if they show signs of aggression. :)

Sep 5, 2011
New Jersey
the bala sharks should definitely be reconsidered, as should the clown loach. the pleco could be fine, chances are it wont once it gets larger. I've never had trouble keeping angels with other fish. the only problem with angels is that they may pick on each other, but for the most part they leave other fishes alone. I would separate said angels, as one will become dominant (unless they're a mated pair) and put them in different tanks. You could definitely keep the plates, mollies, gourami, and possibly the angel(s) in the 40


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I, too, have angels in 3 of my community tanks and have had no problems. The one tank even has some neons in it, although I don't think that would be a recommendation and I am watching it closely.