New 10G Set-up


Superstar Fish
Well, I forgot how much of a pain in the butt it is to baby sit a cycling tank. Its been ages since I had to do this. In about 12 hours the ammonia went to .5 . I forgot how fast things can go bad. Did two 30% to get it knocked down to just detectable, by the math it should be .045, this was last night. I am sure this morning its going to need it again as well. I have two 3 gallon buckets warming up right now so I am prepared. I even took 3 objects out of my cycled tank(four days ago and feed the tank some food to get it rolling) to help this tank along but I do not think its working very well.

Anyway I can get past the cycle I just wanted to mention to everyone how humbling it can be to be in the newbies situation of a tank cycling/crashing. I forget how easy it is to advise someone new but, I forget how frustrating it must be to a new hobbyist as its a little frustrating to me thinking that I might loose some Mollies as I have lost one in the first couple hours after an hour acclimation. She was the big pregnant one, I was not sure if she was swimming funny at the pet store because she was huge or not doing well. I think it may be the later seeing she passed and the other 7 are OK.

This tank is slowly be weened onto Saltwater. I have talked about doing this in the past so my Saltwater fish will have pray (fry) to feed on. I am hoping this will bring out some natural instinct in them and maybe have some happier/healthier fish. I thought about this one day while watching my dogs track down a rabbit in the back forty. They are always happy dogs and get a ton of attention but, when they hunt and track a scent they are all SO MUCH MORE EXCITED!!!! They come back just beaming with joy even if they didn't get what they tracked and hunted. I hope to see this in my Saltwater fish.

Anyhow the tank is up to 1.004 salinity and I plan to raise it about .004-.006 per week until its to 1.024 which is when I will acclimate them to the reef 10G and 40G tanks then eventually to the 150G SW tank that is waiting for my live rock shipment to come in this week. YES, another tank to cycle and this one scares me a little.
Here is a pic, its got SW at 1.022 and it waiting on live rock.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Kerry, I just set up a new tank too, and even though I seeded it with filter media and gravel from a cycled tank, I have a bit of ammonia. So daily water changes for me - I, too, forgot what a pain it is to 'babysit' a cycling tank!


Superstar Fish
I have been doing two 30% per day WC's to keep it knocked down. Its is a pain. This will make me rethink the advice I give to the new folks that have question about it now. I can see why its such a daunting task. Its been so long that I take for granted that its easy, just check and change to keep it down, simple right? Well it is simple but, its a pain as there is life happening at the same time which does not stop for you to set-up a tank. I think now my advice will include info about making time to test a couple times a day and have them try to have extra water ready to go.
I will start to cycle my 150G sw tank tomorrow, oh, so much fun.


Superstar Fish
Nice tanks you have there. The bad thing about SW is the set-up can be a bit pricey. Salt alone for 150G was 60 bucks and not to mention the other 500 dollars needed for the live rock LOL!! I do save some money because I do not run any kind of skimmers, sumps, or reactors on my SW tanks. This saved about 1000 dollars+ on this build. Once its done and aged a few months its the most beautiful type of tank to look at IMHO.

Apr 27, 2012
My Tank Experience

When I set up my 150 gallon freshwater fish tank all I did was add the gravel and decorations. Then I added tap water and check the water. Yes I know I added tap water. Some of you probably want to kill me but I used Jungle start right. Everything was perfect and I added fish two days later. They are still alive a year later.:)*BOUNCINGS*SUPERSMIL*twirlysmi:cool::rolleyes:


Superstar Fish
I used the Jungle stuff in the past, it always worked for me. I just changed my 150 to Saltwater a couple weeks ago. I am pretty excited as I have added a couple soft corals, a few hermits, and a few fish so. The 10G Molly acclimation is not complete and doing great.

Feb 27, 2009
I had a lion fish that for some reason would not bother the adults after a time, but would instead chase after the young. He seemed to learn that if he left the adults alone, they would produce plenty of fry!


Superstar Fish
Not to bad really. I will be working on my DIY LED's for the 150G SW this weekend. I already have a strip of 7 19,000K LED's up as test and I think this is how I want to go. I have 60 degree lens's now but I am going to switch them to 90 degree lens's tonight after work. The 60 degree cause a bit more spot then I like. The fixture on it now houses 4 36" FW bulbs now, 2 each side. When I am done it will have 4 strips of 7 LEDs. So 14 per side but I will leave room for an extra strip on each side in case I want more in the future. The bulbs now are 30 watts each so thats 120 watts total, the LED strips will be about 14 watts each, 56 total, so thats less then half the power consumption and more light put onto the bottom. Here is the test strip I mounted between the two bulbs.