New 10 gallon, what can I stock it with?

May 8, 2012
So I have a 10 gallon tank and would like some ideas as to what I can stock it with. I've done platy/swordtail set ups in this before and was so succesful that they bred like crazy and I had to trade the young with the pet store. Anyway, I was thinking about a mini community set up but I know the quantity of fish for this size tank is very limited as well as variety. Could I do a 1 or 2 Dwarf Gouramis and 5-6 Rasboras or Tetra species? Ideas please. Also would fake plants be ok...I really like live plants but the maintance of them is more than I think I want right now. Thanks

Apr 25, 2012
San dimas,Ca
I have a 10Gallon also with fake plants in it. My tank has a Male Dwarf Gourami, 1 Black SailFin (Male) Molly, 1 Green Catfish and 3 Long-finned Danio. I also about 3years back had a 10ga with 3tiger barbs 1 Green barb and a Rainbow shark. But that had live plants in it. Hope the 2 ideas help ya=)

May 8, 2012
Put something cool in there, like a eel or some barbs. In mine right now I have a Zig Zag Eel, a tetra, Otto, and a Mystery Snail with some ghost shrimp.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
In mine I have two bumble bee platies, one blue platy with deep red finnage, and a male crowntail betta that is a mixture of maroon and blue gray and two otos.


Small Fish
Feb 25, 2012
New Hampshire, USA
You could also look at rummynose tetras and hatchets. I have a 10g with a platy and a bunch of molly fry that I put yoyo loaches and a dwarf synodontis in and the loaches took care of the snails I had from plants. My favorite fish in that tank however, is the synodontis, he cleans up the bottom and has a great personality, he also won't outgrow the tank and he's very curious, but not aggressive. (he loves to hide inside a shell, which i find entertaining)
hope that helps! :)