Jd problems and mbuna question.

Jul 16, 2012
First post ever! Female jd is bigger than the male jd and at first he was chasing her, but now she terrorizes him and keeps him in the corner. Also, I am new to the mbuna's and I would like to add 3 kuhli loaches or am I stocked?


Superstar Fish
Add more hiding spots and change the arrangement of the tank to change territory lines. Also make hiding spots so they cant see each other very easily. Cichlids fight and you will never stop that, as long as they are not stressing each other in to being sick or making heavy wounds like more then missing scales then you might have to separate. Most fights are due to territory though and are easily solved by arranging the tank until they are happy.
I have tons of Africans but I have never tried to keep anything with them beside native species due to the fact I replicate the water they come from which is like sea water with out the salinity. As far as the stocking goes you are right at the edge, if you are doing weekly water changes you might get away with 2-3 more smaller fish. 9-12 small/medium Africans in a 55G is ok if maintained well. I make huge changes in my 75G African tank, to the tune of well over 75%.

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Jul 16, 2012
All three of my tanks are natural environment friendly...three different substrates! I like the sand best. I do a 25-50% water change every week, and I've been changing the decor everyone (except for the enormous driftwood in the middle!), but it's not working. My sister-in-law is cycling her 46 hex right now. She got it out after years. I might be able to give her the female and borrow it later if we want to breed them in my extra tank. So, no to the Loach with the Africans? How about with the gouramis? I am moving them into a 40 next week. Thank you!

Jul 16, 2012
Really good. A little bickering at first, but none at all now. I have plants, driftwood and two giant water lettuce floating and they each have their own. Rummynose tetras love it with them. Never seen their nose's so red and healthy looking.


Superstar Fish
The Africans will pick the Gouramis to death I fear. The loach I am not sure but I would guess it would end bad for them in an African tank. The JD's might settle down, if they are not removing scales from each other give it some time. Do you have a pic of the tank they are in?

Jul 16, 2012
The Africans have their own 55 gallon tank. The gouramis are in a 20 gallon, but I am getting a bigger tank for than in a few days. Info below. My question is can I keep Killifish with them and the Rummynose and cories in the tank with them. No new info on them, but went back farther and they seem to be aggressive. Would really like a gardeners, found them for? $3.99/each! Also, would love a Loach for the African...any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
You can do SW in a 20G. I would not say they are not to hard, its just an expensive learning curve as you go along. If you do weekly water changes of about 20-ish% they are pretty easy and with only 20G thats not to much water and it keeps the salt cost down. Also weekly water changes removes the need to dose the tank with chemicals because most salts have everything you need already in them. It a slow process to get it to cycle with live rock and live or dead sand. Once it cycles it goes through an algae break out then after that it settles down and allows you to start building your tank and or reef if you decide to get corals.
Here is a shot of my 40G:


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
The Africans have their own 55 gallon tank. The gouramis are in a 20 gallon, but I am getting a bigger tank for than in a few days. Info below. My question is can I keep Killifish with them and the Rummynose and cories in the tank with them.
Killifish would be fine in a community setup...as long as they aren't small enough to fit in anyone's mouth.