We bought a male Betta a week ago Thursday, from Brisbane Australia, which is about 2000kms from me, he was shipped via the mail and took two days to get here. When we got him, he was a little stressed out, faded in colour but was swimming around happily. Over all he was fine, apart from the insides of his gills were and still are, really red - though his colouring is white around most of his body, with patches of black and baby blue, so I don't know if this is normal in all Bettas as I've never had a white one before.
His tank was setup the day we got him, as we had to buy one from the pet shop - I live out of town so it wasn't possible to get one the day I bought him. When I put him in the tank, I added API's Stress Coat+ and Stress Zyme+, as recommended by the lady I bought him off, who is a bit of an expert in Bettas.
The first night the water dipped down to 20 degrees Celsius and then the next day while the tank was 22 degrees Celsius I turned the heater up so it reached 24 degrees by the night.
Since then, we've noticed he's very slowly been getting less active. On about day two of seeing him going down hill, I placed Indian Amen Leaves in the tank, to make the water more acidic for him as I've been told that's what they like. That seemed to have helped a little. He was fighting with a mirror we place by his tank for about two minutes a day, up until yesterday, where he really couldn't have cared less, even though he was swimming around and eating.
Now today, I look at him and he's sitting at the bottom of the tank with fins all glued up and finding it hard to swim with them. I've been told before glued up fins are a sign of depression in fish, which I have seen in my other fish at times, but this is nothing like it. They are actually glued up into a thin line, just not appearing to be.
I tested the water just a few hours ago and everything is normal.
Nitrite -- 0
Ammonia -- 0
Nitrate -- 0
PH -- 6.6
I gave him a 50% water change and added Betta Fix to the water as well as 7mls of Stress Zyme - to replace what I took out - just trying to do something for him. He's in a tank that is 9 litres with an Indian Amen leaf - like our other two boys who are fine - and has a water plant and heater and now air just to help him along. He isn't breathing heavily, just slowly.
Can someone please help him and me? He's my aunt's fish whom I'm looking after until she goes back home. Thank you.
His tank was setup the day we got him, as we had to buy one from the pet shop - I live out of town so it wasn't possible to get one the day I bought him. When I put him in the tank, I added API's Stress Coat+ and Stress Zyme+, as recommended by the lady I bought him off, who is a bit of an expert in Bettas.
The first night the water dipped down to 20 degrees Celsius and then the next day while the tank was 22 degrees Celsius I turned the heater up so it reached 24 degrees by the night.
Since then, we've noticed he's very slowly been getting less active. On about day two of seeing him going down hill, I placed Indian Amen Leaves in the tank, to make the water more acidic for him as I've been told that's what they like. That seemed to have helped a little. He was fighting with a mirror we place by his tank for about two minutes a day, up until yesterday, where he really couldn't have cared less, even though he was swimming around and eating.
Now today, I look at him and he's sitting at the bottom of the tank with fins all glued up and finding it hard to swim with them. I've been told before glued up fins are a sign of depression in fish, which I have seen in my other fish at times, but this is nothing like it. They are actually glued up into a thin line, just not appearing to be.
I tested the water just a few hours ago and everything is normal.
Nitrite -- 0
Ammonia -- 0
Nitrate -- 0
PH -- 6.6
I gave him a 50% water change and added Betta Fix to the water as well as 7mls of Stress Zyme - to replace what I took out - just trying to do something for him. He's in a tank that is 9 litres with an Indian Amen leaf - like our other two boys who are fine - and has a water plant and heater and now air just to help him along. He isn't breathing heavily, just slowly.
Can someone please help him and me? He's my aunt's fish whom I'm looking after until she goes back home. Thank you.