Originally Posted by Thyra:
If you do not have any nitrate your tank is not cycled. How do you normally cycle your tanks? Also if you think there is a big difference in the pH you can use the "drip method" of acclimating a fish to a new tank as OC does.
I've always been told nitrate, should always remain at 0 as with nitrite and ammonia - now it's getting confusing lol. All my tanks have been like that - nitrate at 0, no matter how long they've been going.
What is the drip method and how do you set it up? I've seen it before in videos and such on youtube, but never been told about it or seen it in real life. I'm currently using Indian Amen leaves in the tank to keep the PH right. It seems to work well for about a week then the leaf needs replacing as the PH goes up.
Originally Posted by Thyra:
Also just exactly what do you mean by the statement "his tank cycled for three days, which we were told was good enough for a small tank."?? I do not understand that concept.
I let his tank sit for three days to cycle and I was told that setting it up a few days before getting and putting the fish in would be good enough for a small tank such as his. It's a 9 litre tank with just a heater, apple snail and water plant in it.
I just tried the filter the tank came with but he was fighting against the current so I took it out. I just put some Stress Zyme and Betta Fix in there just in case there was anything going disease wise.
Originally Posted by OrangeCones:
Sky Diamond - I'm not sure who you are getting advice from, but the size tank has little to nothing to do with the amount of time to cycle a tank. 'Cycle' means completing the nitrogen cycle, establishing the necessary bacteria to convert fish waste (ammonia) to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrate. It can take 6 or more weeks to do this. You can 'jump start' the process by getting the bacteria from a healthy/established/'cycled' tank, or by plants as I mentioned here or on another of your threads. To use the 'Silent Cycle' method requires a LOT of plants growing well, better than 'stock lighting', etc. and not a few Anubias species.
All information in cycling, I've gotten from pet shops or aquariums. They all say it'll only take a week to cycle - which is typical of them to say something wrong from my experiences around here. . . I've been using a product called Stress Zyme+ by API, and it says it has live friendly bacteria in it to get the tank going better. Shouldn't it have put up my nitrate if it was working?
I never thought to test the water my fish came in. The lady I bought them from, said the Bettas like water around 6.5 and they had the leaves in the bag with him when he came. I just let him adjust to the water by sitting them in the bag in the tank for about 30 minutes and let him out slowly, letting all their water into the tank with him from the bag. I do this to all my fish I buy.
This one has been fighting fit since the day I got him, up until today - surprising considering he came in the mail. I'm wondering if she used the net on the fish who just died, and then on mine and now the disease it had, is now taking affect on him.
He was going up to the top of the tank taking in air a bit today, something I haven't noticed before, and now understand its from the ammonia. He's always seemed to be breathing slightly heavy since I got him, but after putting the Betta Fix in about half an hour ago now, and letting the filter run for five minutes just to let it mix the water with the meds, he doesn't seem to be breathing heavily at all.
Thankfully this fish isn't like the other one that just died, with sitting at the bottom or top of the tank constantly or any sign of the fins being clamped up. But it still worries me as like the other one, the night before he got the glued up fins and started sitting at the bottom/top of the tank, he wouldn't fight either, though he was a little more lively. There was no sign of him even getting sick.
This guy just sits in the middle of the tank for a few and then starts swimming like there's nothing wrong and then sits in the middle of the tank again. Least he's eating okay.
I'm trying to get the water up to at least 24C. When they came the water in their bags were cold so I've been slowly trying to get the water up. New heaters we bought were supposed to keep the water at 26C and they only keep it around 21 to 23.5C Currently another heater I have is set on 26 and it lets the water drop to 22.5 before it comes on. . . I'm still waiting to see what the temp gets to.