Water Issues


Small Fish
Oct 26, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
I recently had ick in my tank and I treated it with water changes, removing the decorations, keeping the temp at 86 degrees and medications like Nox-Ich and Formaline. I have tested the water every other day.

Nitrates are just above 0
Nitrites are at 0
Total Hardness is around 100
Akalinity is at 80
PH is at 7.2

My fish are all very active and swimming around fine however the water still have a very slight cloudiness to it as well as a stronger than usual odor. I have used special blend, Tetra Balance Plus, and Aqua Safe plus with each water change. I was told this could be a bacteria bloom.

My tank I a 56 gallon and I am using a Rena XP-2 Canister filter. I am using 2 course black foam pads on the bottom, then above those I have 1 bag of Chemi-pure, a small bag of chemi-pure elite, and 5 API bio stars. On the upper tray I have a small bag of ammonia chips, bag of ceramic bio rings, and a micro polishing pad.

I am not sure what else to do to clear up the tank or smell. Its a fairly new tank over a month old and it is lightly stocked as well.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You don't say what your ammonia level is and that and nitrite are the really important ones. Yes the cloudiness could be a bacteria bloom - how long has the tank been setup? Your tank may not be cycled because you have barely any nitrates.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am unfamiliar with all the additives you are using in your filter. With the exception of a dechlorinator, assuming you are on tap water, I would not think some of that stuff is necessary. Are you doing regular partial water changes?


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I agree with Thyra, bacteria bloom, the tank is just still new. By the way, are you sure you had ick in the first place? I only ask because you may be treating for ick and unintentionally prolonging your tank cycle.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
If you are having a bacterial bloom because you are going through a mini-cycle or your tank never cycled to begin with, you've got some work ahead of you. I'd continue to monitor your water levels daily - for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If you see any ammonia or nitrite, do large daily water changes. This is the best thing you can do to protect your fish. Let us know how it goes!


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
With my tank, it got really stinky for a while, and it stunk up my whole room. Apparently overfeeding can be a cause.

Overstocking is also a common cause of stinkiness. Example (courtesey of KcMopar from an old thread): "Imagine having 10 puppies in a small kennel, how stinky would that be? Now what if you only had 1 or two puppies in a small kennel, would it be cleaner then 10 PUPPIES? Is sure would, your fish tank is the same."

Hope I help! Just watch for overfeeding and overstocking!

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Second to those replies, my Guess would be bacterial bloom aswell. It's hard to get used to how much to feed, the rule i always used is if they dont eat it in 2 mins its probably too much. little but often is better in some cases.. 2-3 times a day small amounts is better than one big amount at night for example...