Please help!!!!

Mar 6, 2013
I received a new 5 gallon tank and have 2 fish in it, both males, i believe they are both fancy tail guppies, 1 i have had for a few months and is doing fine, the other i got a week ago and a couple days ago he stopped eating. i feed them tropical flakes and he acts like he wants to eat, but he either just spits it back out or doesn't go after it altogether,what do i do???? please help!!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I'd say change out a gallon or two of water - one of those things that it may not help, but it certainly won't hurt.

You could also try something extra enticing, like some brine shrimp or some such.

Mar 6, 2013
Yes I can test the the water, and i have frequently since i first got the tank, but it seems to give me the same results every time. usually nothing is too bad except the alkalinity. And also some new news, 2 days ago i found a growth on (or under, i cant tell) his left gill, white in color and lump-shaped. i treated the water with ick treatment, and he seems to be behaving better, still wont eat tho. the growth changed shape from a lump to what i can describe as a small white stick sticking out of his gill. seems too big to be a gill fluke, but tha'ts the only explanation i can come up with.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
FishDad means what are you exact readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? I am guessing you might not understand the cycling process and the beneficial bacteria.

Mar 6, 2013
well i keep my tank very clean and i use easy balance every time i do a major water change. when i test the water, nitrite and nitrate never even register, possibly because ive only had it since late january-early february. the test strips i use don't have a thing for ammonia, even though it has a chart for it.i have read a little about the cycling process and how nitrite is bad, but turns into nitrate which is good. or perhaps vice versa? also, the white thing i have discovered is ON his gill, not under it. there is a bit of redness around it on his gill and head. he is behaving normally, and i THINK he ate a small flake of food yesterday but that is all. and im thinking about getting some shrimp to help eat all the food that doesn't get eaten because it doesnt always get sucked up by the filter i have. good idea, bad idea?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
... when i test the water, nitrite and nitrate never even register, possibly because ive only had it since late january-early february.
That's a bad sign if you have zero nitrAtes in a tank with fish. That means the nitrogen cycle hasn't begun yet. I have no idea what product easy balance is. You may want to just stick with a quality dechlorinator like Prime. A good liquid test kit is a must too.