Angelfish getting beat up


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
72 bow, 3 angels - black, gold, and silver, 10 green neon tetras, 1 green dragon pleco.

All three angels have pretty much grown up together for the past 5 months or so. I'm almost positive that the gold and black angels have become a mated pair. Two weeks ago someone laid eggs which then vanished the next day. So 3 days ago the gold decided the silver must die and has been bullying it relentlessly. Silver is tattered, droopy and not going to last much longer. Anyone ever seen this in "angels" before? And can any future tank mates expect similar treatment.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have heard that is a possibility and if you have a matched pair you can't have another angel in the tank, but why are you leaving the third angel to get beaten up until it dies? Can't you put it in the 30g or even the 10g? Its not diseased so it should recover.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I know, my 30g currently has ick, plus the tiger barbs won't treat it nicely either. My QT has two africans in it that have only been in two weeks. They will surely attack it. And I'm hesitant about moving them into general population sooner than a month. Last time I did that I paid for it badly. One angel vs risking disease in my 125g? Weighty decision, but it may come to that soon.

Feb 27, 2009
The third angel must be separated from the other two if it is to survive. Can you put in a temperary divider in the tank? Most pet stores will take in a fish in bad shape so you must allow it time to heal first.

Feb 18, 2013
I agree with OrangeCones, a temporary divider would work well, I'm sure your lfs has one since it seems they are well stocked. In dire situations I've taken a milk jug boiled water, and sterilized it, cut the bottom off, removed the lid, and attached it to the side of the tank to separate fish from the rest of the population. I doubt your angel would be small enough to fit through the opening, you could also use a hole punch or such to create additional holes as needed.

Once the fish is safe, I've sometimes purchased the 2-5 gal water bottles from Walmart and done the same thing, as long as water can circulate, but other fish cannot, the fish will be able to heal, and doesn't stress over different water conditions. I've used the cloudy containers usually so the tank mates do not bang into it, it also gives the fish inside a sense of security.

After he's better you'd be free to decide what to do with him / her.

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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thanks OC, I don't have a tank divider handy. But I could easily pull off Rot's milk jug idea. I am seriously leaning toward Qt'ing him though. That would be the most accomodating for right now I think. The two africans in there now should be fine. Plus there both mbunas so they can hold there own. I'll let you guys know what I do.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
In QT, he's actually being pretty active.
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Now this would mean that the silver and gold are male and black is female, correct? I'm also curious if you guys think tank mates of another species will suffer the same fate?

BTW my two mbunas are fitting right in. The little red zebra is chasing away venustus twice his size. Its pretty cool to see.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
They would treat the other angel the same whether it is a male or a female, although I've read the male is more territorial so he likely is the gold one. You can tell which is the male and female while they are laying eggs, or shortly before that time as you can see their papilla (sex organs). The female's is blunter and larger, the male's is more pointed.

I have no personal experience (my angels only spawned once, none hatched :(, and they were the only fish in the tank at the time), but my understanding is they will protect an area of the tank from the other fish while they actually have eggs / fry to protect. That tank size should be plenty big enough that the angels can have their area, and the other fish will have plenty of space to avoid them (especially since you don't have too many). In a 30, 40g size-ish aquarium, the angels would probably protect the entire thing. In the big 72g, I'd say just keep an eye on everyone, but you will probably find that the angels take over a half or so of the tank when spawning or rearing, and the other fish stay on the opposite side. Actually should make the neons school more closely.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
my angels only spawned once, none hatched :(
I wonder why?

Thanks for the info Capslock. I won't be putting any more Angels in the tank. The plan was to work our way up to Discus, but now I'm worried I'll spend $80 on a fish thats just going to get his lunch money taken from him but some angelfish.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Not sure why - the pair are still the only fish in the tank (mom's tank - 37g). Even put some slate in there after they laid on the filter intake, and they didn't go for it. It's been at least 6mos-1yr since they laid the eggs. Maybe I have 2 females and one just laid infertile eggs?