I have a tiger barb what else will go with it?

Mar 18, 2013
Burkburnett Texas
I recently started a fish tank and I have four tiger barbs. I really like blood parrots, Severum - Gold, Yellow-Tailed Violet Acei Cichlid, Apistogramma - Dwarf Borellii Cichlid, and green terors. I although only have a 30 gallon tank at this time. Any help? I just want something else that goes well with tiger barbs.

Mar 20, 2013
blood parrots tend to be aggressive once they get big, then you might find a problem in your tank. Make sure you have some sort of hiding spots: plants, rocks and drift wood work well. I had barbs previously in one of my tanks some were nipping on other fish fins and some didn't I guess it really depends on the fish and the "amount of food you provide" to them (not always the case).

Mar 18, 2013
Burkburnett Texas
blood parrots tend to be aggressive once they get big, then you might find a problem in your tank. Make sure you have some sort of hiding spots: plants, rocks and drift wood work well. I had barbs previously in one of my tanks some were nipping on other fish fins and some didn't I guess it really depends on the fish and the "amount of food you provide" to them (not always the case).

My friend told me they get mean as they get bigger. I have lots of plants and hiding spots which my blood parrots use a lot lol

Mar 20, 2013
check out Freshwater elephantfish if you feed your parrot with blood worms. they grow up to 9 inches, they are not aggressive, look cool , should do good in your tank if you find one usually around 17 bucks for a 4 inch one or consider a loach to clean up the leftovers.

Mar 20, 2013
its similar size to parrot plus grows smaller than loach I have almost 8 inch one and it did good in a 29 gal tank moved it up to 55 and i dont see a difference in its behavior eating habbits etc as long as you provide a big enough hiding spot it should be fine