Since my LFS is poorly stocked, and I would prefer not to buy from chains due to Ich and such, I'm left with 2 options.
I can order the fish online directly, and hope they are not overly stressed, or dead when they arrive.
I can order through my LFS pay a markup to him for them, and have similar results as ordering directly.
Does anyone order online, have suggestions of sites, or have other solutions ?
Ultimately I will be turning our 60 gal into a Discus tank, but that's 6-12 months away.
Thanks in advance.
I can order the fish online directly, and hope they are not overly stressed, or dead when they arrive.
I can order through my LFS pay a markup to him for them, and have similar results as ordering directly.
Does anyone order online, have suggestions of sites, or have other solutions ?
Ultimately I will be turning our 60 gal into a Discus tank, but that's 6-12 months away.
Thanks in advance.