So I started my fishless cycle exactly two weeks ago. I have a 29g tank with a Penguin 330 filter. The temperature is reading 81F and I have an airpump to oxygenate the water. I added pure ammonia and brought it to 4.0 ppm. Since then I have not seen a drop in ammonia. I did a test of nitirites just for kicks but that reads 0ppm.
I made a search and saw that people did a 30% water change and then added ammonia again to bring the levels back up to 4.0 ppm and that seemed to help after a week. I also saw that some people added a frozen shrimp in the tank and that that also helped.
What should I do? Should I do a water change, do the shrimp thing, or just keep waiting?
I made a search and saw that people did a 30% water change and then added ammonia again to bring the levels back up to 4.0 ppm and that seemed to help after a week. I also saw that some people added a frozen shrimp in the tank and that that also helped.
What should I do? Should I do a water change, do the shrimp thing, or just keep waiting?
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