55 gallon tank concerns


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
Hey guys long time no post sorry.

So i just picked up a 55g tank with a stand for $75 how lucky am I!!! It came with a filter (i through the media out) that looks a little rough and needs a good rinse. My question is should i be concerned with the small scratches and current condition of the pump (looks grimy fan does spin) I through out the heater he gave us because it looks like a junk heater and had lots of grime on it. Im hoping to have this tank ready for fish in the next few weeks (im adding objects and a small of amount of water from our 10 g to help it cycle quicker) Im hoping all i need is a hood, bubbler and filter media to compleate the tank. (Of course need a bottom and decor) cant wait to give my fish a bigger home and add lots more (going with small fish such as tetras so we can have nice schools)


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
Also what cleaning materials are safe i know soap is a huge no no. I've heard ammonia works well since its natural in a tank, you just need to rinse real well but im not sure if that's true or not.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Bleach - just rinse real well and let dry completely afterwards. Dechlorinater will also remove trace amounts of bleach.

I would soak the pump in something - vinegar & water works to remove buildup. If the scratches look like they compromise the water-proof nature of the pump, it is not worth risking.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Adding water from your ten gallon tanks will not do anything to help it cycle. If you could add some of the media from the filter, that would be a big help - also some substrate, like in a nylon stocking that you could remove later.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Adding water from your ten gallon tanks will not do anything to help it cycle. If you could add some of the media from the filter, that would be a big help - also some substrate, like in a nylon stocking that you could remove later.
+1 Thyra. And you'll need to add a source of ammonia to feed the bacteria...

I use bleach for cleaning my tank equipment and let it dry thoroughly. Vinegar is good too, and for anything where you aren't concerned about scratches, a paste of salt and water works.


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
Ok awesome. when i got it home i filled it up as sort of a test. Seems to hold water very well and cant see the scratches with the water in the tank so must just be surface scratches. My Main concern now is the filter it has a leak around the whole where the invert propeller motor goes in to. Can i use a sealant to seal the leak? Or is it best to get a new one?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If it were me, I would be inclined to get a new filter - not worth risking it starting a fire or leaking several gallons (or more) of water onto the floor if the leak should come back with a vengeance - which of course always happens when no one is around. Especially since you don't know how old the sucker is. Between the potentially sketchy pump and the leak, it would concern me. New filters aren't too expensive - check on amazon or elsewhere online for good deals.


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
The one i have now is around $50 new. If i dont get a proper seal on it im def getting a new one, I have the tank set up in the grage with just water in it. After i seal it ill leave it for 48 hrs to see if it looses the seal but gonna buy a new one either way just want to make it work long enough so it can be the last thing i buy. Still need Filter, Heater, hood, decor, and bubblier. gonna be a while before i have fish in the tank :( on the plus side im gonna deck out the stand i got for it. Its an all metal fram that i dont know if i trust putting a tank on just because its metal bars that hold it up so im gonna build a box around it with some shelves to store the equipment. Should look real nice when im done or at least i hope lol

Im pretty stoked im gonna turn it into a pretty nice set up ill be sure to take a photo when its compleated!