Tonight my insomnia is really kicking in ... yay ...
Everything I've read seems to indicate that Java Moss will grow in brackish water, however every brackish thread I've read, states only mangrove trees will grow in brackish environments ...
Does anyone here have any experience with Java moss in brackish water ? Did it thrive or die ?
Also our 60 gal thus far does not have a background, while the wall behind it is a neutral green, I would like to hide the various cords \ hoses etc. Providing the java moss our LFS happily included in my last visit grows well, I thought a wall similar to this would look great. Along with providing a place for shimp to hide from the cichlids, it would hide everything behind the tank, and provide a reasonably attractive backdrop and natural way to remove nitrates from the water as our fish grow.
Has anyone created such a wall, or have any suggestions on doing so ?
Everything I've read seems to indicate that Java Moss will grow in brackish water, however every brackish thread I've read, states only mangrove trees will grow in brackish environments ...
Does anyone here have any experience with Java moss in brackish water ? Did it thrive or die ?
Also our 60 gal thus far does not have a background, while the wall behind it is a neutral green, I would like to hide the various cords \ hoses etc. Providing the java moss our LFS happily included in my last visit grows well, I thought a wall similar to this would look great. Along with providing a place for shimp to hide from the cichlids, it would hide everything behind the tank, and provide a reasonably attractive backdrop and natural way to remove nitrates from the water as our fish grow.
Has anyone created such a wall, or have any suggestions on doing so ?