What do you use to sink your veggies?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Food for snails and other aquatic critters that eat vegetables that is.. Some kind of sink on their own, but things like disks of zucchini float all too well. Man do my mystery snails and siamese algae eaters LOVE zucchini. They eat the whole thing, skin and all.

Anyway.. lately I've been using stainless-steel screws to keep blanched vegetables on the bottom of the tank. Just thread the screw into it shish kabob style and let it sink.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Dangit.. I knew I should have held onto the soft metal wrap-around things that came with some anacharis (yuck) I bought months ago. Thinking they were some horrible type of metal, I tossed them.

Pretty sure I'll never buy anacharis again anyway. Still have a small amount floating in my 10g. The rest has been tossed out of shear frustration.

Feb 27, 2009
It is a hard plant to manage, since it grows so quickly. If you want it to be more branchy, you have to keep trimming it. The cut top part normally will branch into two 'main' stems. When I was breeding fish, I used it as a floating plant in spawning tanks and to keep water clean in grow-out tanks. But for the 'main' show tanks, it takes over (light and nutrients) from other plants too easily. I don't have any of it, currently. Guppy Grass serves the same function, and is easier to 'control' but it also is a pain (to me)!