Doing Water Changes With Fry In The Tank!!


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
ok im always getting into a mess! lol

My friend had two guppies and she was going to throw them out so i had to take it, i was not gonna let her flush them down the toilet!!

I put them in my tank and the female was pregnant and boom two days after she had the babies in my tank! (i was able to save 19 of them) my danios and neon tetras ate the other ones, i had a breeding little tank (those that u hang inside the tank) and i put them there and i bought fry food called First Bite.

they are doing fine so far now my question is, my tank wasnt fully cycled and i was in the process of doing water changes everyday, would the water changes affect the babies? would they die? i didnt do the water change yesterday or today because im assuming the fry are very sensitive and i dont want to kill them!!! lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Water changes should never hurt the fish, only help them. Just make sure the water you add is dechlorinated and of similar temperature. You could take out the water right down to where the fish could barely swim, add new and your critters will love you for it.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
another question, would it be better if i just transfer them to a 1 gallon tank that i have empty right now, so they can have their own space? or just live them in the breeding tank ?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You really need to figure out what you will do with them in the long run. I am personally all for survival of the fittest. I just went through a very depressing stint trying to find a dog to rescue only to find that the majority of the available dogs were pit bills or chihuahuas - and still there were ads for people wanting to breed their bit bulls! I have nothing against either breed, but there is obviously a problem or there wouldn't be so many available.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I'm with thyra on this. i'm a survival of the fittest person as well. when i was breeding my brichardi untill the electricution they would have around 50 babies at a time and maybe 20 would make it to adulthood with me not stepping in to save every one. the weak ones would get eaten and the strong would make it.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
I'm with thyra on this. i'm a survival of the fittest person as well. when i was breeding my brichardi untill the electricution they would have around 50 babies at a time and maybe 20 would make it to adulthood with me not stepping in to save every one. the weak ones would get eaten and the strong would make it.
You really need to figure out what you will do with them in the long run. I am personally all for survival of the fittest. I just went through a very depressing stint trying to find a dog to rescue only to find that the majority of the available dogs were pit bills or chihuahuas - and still there were ads for people wanting to breed their bit bulls! I have nothing against either breed, but there is obviously a problem or there wouldn't be so many available.
thanks guys :) Actually a petshop by my house buys them from me, or i could trade them in for food !


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
thats what i tend to do with my cichlids. i have not had to buy supplies for my tanks out of pocket in years. I take in a bunch of peacocks and mbunas and they give me credit. i get my food and excel and bulbs from that. as for fish and plants and tanks themselves, that usually comes out of pocket lol. so thats not a bad idea Guanchy. only bad part is with guppies and things like that you will probably only get maybe 50 cents per fish i would assume. will take alot of fish to realy be worth it. although i'm not sure how much your food is so maybe not. I pay around 70 bucks for a 5 pound container of 1mm new life spectrum cichlid pellets. that lasts me about a year.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
What does the petshop pay for livebearers?
well last time i had a fry which was a few months ago before i had the tank i have now, i just gave them the guppies and they gave me food my other fish (i picked the food i wanted).

this time im going to try to see if they give me any credits so i can buy other things i need for the tank


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
I breed guppies for food for a couple other fish i have lol.
you do???? lol i can't!! poor guppies lol!!! i tried once to get into cichlids and i like them and stuff but they are too aggressive for what i like and u cant mix them with a lot of other species! i rather stay to the nice freshwater ones hehe


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
cichlids are kinda different. overstocking to an extent is recommended to keep agression down. in my 55 the most agressive fish i have in there is my pleco. it chases me cichlids all over especially when it's feeding time. also my angelicus catfish pushes itself around as well. but with the overstocking it allows a possibly weaker fish to get lost in the crowd and keeps it from being singled out and picked on. I love the colors though. i think the only fish that rival the african cichlids in color is saltwater fish. which i tried saltwater for a while till my tank crashed and i lost everything except my 2 clowns. so with u i will stick to freshwater fish for now lol. thing about it is that i noticed between freshwater and saltwater agression is freshwater the fish will chase but thats usually the extent. in saltwater the fish don't just chase. they want to kill the other fish lol.

Feb 18, 2013
Most "algae" eaters will be somewhat aggressive, eventually they run out of glass to clean, and depend on wafers and other foods to survive. I have a 4" Siamese algae eater who thinks he's tougher than my Oscar when it's feeding time. I'll probably have to re-home him as the Oscar grows, or he'll turn into dinner.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I kinda pride myself on not having much algea so my plecos never have any to get off the glass or anything, so they rely on me exclusivly to give them food. but my male in my planted 55 is a whimp. my hilstream loaches push him around. I'm kinda scared to try to put my female into that tank. she would beat up all my little neons and panda garra lol.