Captive bred fish?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ

I was just wondering is yoyo loaches that are on the market are captive bred fish or wildcaught? I'm hoping they are captive bred like many of the panda corydoras and neon tetras are.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
this is what i have found on breeding yoyo loaches,

It’s surprising that for a fish that adapts so well to life in an aquarium, that there are no confirmed reports of it breeding in captivity. There has always been the occasional claim that someone has successfully bred yoyo loaches, but at this point no accounts of breeding have been confirmed.

In fact, even fish farms have had difficulty breeding yoyo loaches, and some have been experimenting with hormones to trigger breeding. At the time of writing this article, there were no farms that mentioned reliably breeding yoyo loaches.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
probably the same reason i am kinda against it. it depletes wild stocks and can endanger species in the wild. If i can i will buy captive fish over wild caught. i do the same thing when hunting or gathering wild edibles. I've got a forest edge about 300 yards long thats lines with wild rasberries. I'll pick maybe a quarter of them and leave the rest for nature. if i come across a good patch of moral mushrooms i'll leave a few to spread spores. I'm a big fan of living with nature, not exploiting it.

There is a person i work with that wanted and has only wild caught angels. I see no difference between wild caught or captive bred. why take these beautiful fish from nature when there are plenty captive bred fish that are just as beautiful and hardy? to me it makes no sense. I obviusly do have wild caught fish like my glass cats and my green sunfish. some fish we want it's unavoidable.


Small Fish
Aug 10, 2013
I tend to favor captive bred over wild caught as well. Pretty much the same reasons, too. The herp community is overrun with people selling wild caught animals that don't take well to captivity. If I can support someone who cares enough to breed healthy stock, I am happy to pay a bit more. I do have a few WC pets, but I prefer to let the wild be wild, and support those who care enough to breed healthy.