40 gallon breeder - Looking for Ideas

Feb 27, 2009
Some sparkling gourami perhaps?
I'm wanting to stick with a South American theme for this tank, and the gourami is from Asia. I've had them before though, many years ago. They were sent to my local fish store as a mistake and I bought them as 'Mystery Fish' for $1 each! This was many years ago, but still makes me smile to see them.

Once we are actually IN the new house, perhaps I can find room for some more tanks..hmm...lol

Feb 27, 2009
I had them with some loaches and danio fry in a 15 gallon or 20long tank. It was one of two freshwater tanks at the time when I lived in Florida. I tried them first with some shrimp where they mowed through them pretty quickly LOL.

Sticking with a geographical theme is way beyond my skill level at this point.
I just look up species that are listed as from South America and see what seems compatible.

Most of my fish have been from Asia, so a South American theme is new for me.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
you have a lot of south american catfish to choose from. mostly corydoras species, but also things like spotted/striped raphael cats and porthole cats could be cool.
a school of 5+ cories is a must for a tank like yours :)
lots of tetras and rasboras. maybe even a pair of discus...

I think my main tank is somewhat SA with an angelfish, neon tetras, a cardinal, pygmy cories, bristlenose plecos, and the only thing that contradicts all of them is one female platy...ಠ_ಠ

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Feb 27, 2009
I like the look of Aphyocharax paraguayensis but am a little worried about its feisty behavior as it seems to be reported online.

Being that the only other fish I'm set on is the Farlowellas, and they are armored, do you think they'd be compatible?

Feb 27, 2009
Nipping can be minimized with most 'nippy' fish by keeping them in a proper shoal. How many could a 40 gallon hold as they are only 1.5 inches long LOL!

Will have to think about that one...But they do look cool, and not something you see a lot.

Feb 27, 2009
Ran across this one as a possibility: Moenkhausia pittieri, aka Diamond Tetra. Not a lot of color, but white/slivery sided fish often reflect the light and can look pretty in large groups among plants. Hmmm...and no mention of that one being 'nippy' so far.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
...I tried them first with some shrimp where they mowed through them pretty quickly LOL..
Yes! I eventually came to that conclusion too with my anabantoids + shrimp. Never really saw them eating the shrimp, but they had to be, the way they prowl around every nook and cranny.

Shrimp only reside in my planted 10g now, with 3 silver hatchets and a Japanese blue guppy. Hatchets are the ideal shrimp mate. They never leave the surface. LOL. In fact, my buck something a piece red cherry shrimp have bread. I've got some miniscule ones in there..