Using oil to stick on tank background.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Ever try this? I'm about ready to loose my mind. :mad:*crazysmil

I can't keep the edges from curling up. Looks like the Exxon valdez disaster with the amount of oil I got all over the tank.

Any pointers here?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
This is going to be a real low decor oscar tank, which is why I didn't paint it black.

After several rounds of stringing together combinations of swear-words I didn't know I could create.. Then taking a break to consume two miscellaneous beers from the fridge, I got it on there. I added a strip of tape across the top and some on the sides. It does look remarkably better than being taped alone, as if it's fused to the glass. Clear and vivid. This after 2 beers. I am a party animal.

IMO, the problem stemmed from being coiled up so long at the store. I should have coiled it the other way or let it relax for some time before attempting this. The sides kept lifting/coiling. Top/bottom were OK.

FWIW, the product I used was Clear View by Marina. It seems like unscented baby oil. The background was from Marina, and recommended the oil product as an adhesive. So did the LFS of course. $8 for the tiny bottle too. :(

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Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
lol I've never thought about using iol on a tank to stick a background on it lol. I do wax my tank though. I use turtlewax ice on the glass. i never deal with water spots if i happen to drip some on the glass durring water changes or maintinance. it just sheds right off like water off a ducks butt lol