I used to have my bettas in community tanks. They stayed pretty active and over-feeding wasn't a problem as mine always seemed to be slower than the others (they were housed with tetras and danios).
I hadn't had a number for my pH at the time of the other posts, but it reads 7.8 as of last check on Friday (which may fluctuate a bit with the daily water changes). It's 8.2 right out of the tap, but I have driftwood in the tank, which I know tends to lower the pH. I'm only changing about 30% of the water at a time in hopes that it doesn't get too wild in there for them.
Newman & Freshy, those are some gorgeous bettas! I have not tried to breed mine, but I also would not know what to do with all the offspring. Newman, I'm sorry they never made it past the fry stage. I wonder what happened? I have heard on occasion they they are tricky to breed, but at the same time, I used to see a bunch of people on the forums with offspring. The lfs that does the liquid test has some gorgeous onesthough. I think if I were to try to breed, it would be with "fancier" bettas than have had to date. For a short time we did have a male that started out almost a pearly color, then he chnaged to a blue/green color with white highlights. I miss him... I accidentally killed him one day by leaving his cup within the cat's reach while I cleaned his tank...
It was pretty brutal.