new 10 liter tank


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK

i used to have a 20 gal tank a few years ago but this was damaged so due to lak of funds i had to abandon the hobby. anyway i was given a little 10 litre tank abt 4 gal .last birthday and tried keeping cherry shrimp in i had about 17 of them i had a heater and filter, lights. but they all died and as i was trying to grow live plant the tank became infested with snails and flatworm all over the glass and all the plants died. any how after a 7 month break i am trying again i have cleaned the tank and the gravel the best i can, i have ordered a new heater as the old one cracked. see pictures below for the tank as it is now. i have filled it and got the filter running to start the cycling process, i was thinking of keeping a betta fish and perhaps some more cherry's or minnows.???? also as i have never had a betta before and did not have much lick with the cherry's i could do with some advice re decore and plants. i have decided not to go with live plants as i don't think my light is up to it. will keep you updated with pics as i go along.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Maybe low light plants would do better? Java fern is pretty near impossible to kill, it just grows slowly. And stuff like crypts or anubias are good in lower light.

Be aware if you go with a betta, some are fine with shrimp and others not so much.

A few fancy male guppies or other nano fish would be another option.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
try endlers, they are like guppies but are nano sized. guppies grow too big for a 4gal to have a decent group.

i am surprised cherry shrimp did not work out. a few of the only reasons they die is heat malfunction and very dirty water/untreated tap water. always remember to dechlorinate your tap water before doing a water change.


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK
try endlers, they are like guppies but are nano sized. guppies grow too big for a 4gal to have a decent group.

i am surprised cherry shrimp did not work out. a few of the only reasons they die is heat malfunction and very dirty water/untreated tap water. always remember to dechlorinate your tap water before doing a water change.

how many endlers would I be able to fit in the tank???


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK
5 should be a good number to start with. they do breed, i'm sure you will have fun keeping them.
ok so i received my heater today and its been on for the last 5 hours. everything is working but i have noticed hundreds of tiny bubbles have formed on the heater and filter and a couple on the glass. just wondering is this normal.. the tank has been running now for a week without a heater.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
what temperature is it keeping? try to keep it at normal tropical temps and stable.
everything sounds fine, the bubbles should go away eventually.

did you used to test your water before for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? if not, i recommend you get the test kit for those. API makes one. it will last you several years so its worth it.


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK
what temperature is it keeping? try to keep it at normal tropical temps and stable.
everything sounds fine, the bubbles should go away eventually.

did you used to test your water before for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? if not, i recommend you get the test kit for those. API makes one. it will last you several years so its worth it.
The heater is set to 31c at the moment and the water is warm to touch. I have no thermometer as the last one broke when I was cleaning the tank. I put it in water that was over 50c. I don't have any test kits yet. Will get some when funds allow. Poss next Month as I have bought a aquastart 320 fishtank off eBay. So will be next month before I can spend anymore money on it.