My evil plan - working on a planted tank.
So after some research, here it is:
20g Long (30*12*12)
Finnex Planted+
Activ-flora black substrate - w/ root tabs as necessary
AC30 filter
Sparkling gouramis (6)
Celestial pearl danios (12-15?)
Habrosus dwarf cory (15?)
Likely a nerite snail or 2
The plan is to have a relatively warm tank (78-80) with fairly gentle water movement. This is for the sparkling gouramis. I have a glass cover so it should be humid.
Plants: This is where I need some assistance.
I really would like to do a ground cover, and a few types of mid-level plants in front of driftwood, then some taller/bushy plants behind.
I am open to ferts (PPS method) and/or Excel. But I am not going to do CO2.
Ground cover -
-Marsilea minuta/hirsuta (4 leaf clover). Is 78-80 too warm for this plant?
-Otherwise I'm open to suggestions - Glosso?
Midground -
1. Pogostemon helferi (Downoi)
2. Crypt parva
3. Sagittaria subulata (dwarf sag)? Or some sort of chain sword? Or Staurogyne repens?
4. Maybe something red?
Background -
-Not sure - Bacopa australis or carolina maybe?
-Heteranthera zosterifolia (Stargrass)
If I end up with too much light/algae, I'm open to floaters too.
Looking for any input or suggestions, especially in regards to the plants.
So after some research, here it is:
20g Long (30*12*12)
Finnex Planted+
Activ-flora black substrate - w/ root tabs as necessary
AC30 filter
Sparkling gouramis (6)
Celestial pearl danios (12-15?)
Habrosus dwarf cory (15?)
Likely a nerite snail or 2
The plan is to have a relatively warm tank (78-80) with fairly gentle water movement. This is for the sparkling gouramis. I have a glass cover so it should be humid.
Plants: This is where I need some assistance.
I really would like to do a ground cover, and a few types of mid-level plants in front of driftwood, then some taller/bushy plants behind.
I am open to ferts (PPS method) and/or Excel. But I am not going to do CO2.
Ground cover -
-Marsilea minuta/hirsuta (4 leaf clover). Is 78-80 too warm for this plant?
-Otherwise I'm open to suggestions - Glosso?
Midground -
1. Pogostemon helferi (Downoi)
2. Crypt parva
3. Sagittaria subulata (dwarf sag)? Or some sort of chain sword? Or Staurogyne repens?
4. Maybe something red?
Background -
-Not sure - Bacopa australis or carolina maybe?
-Heteranthera zosterifolia (Stargrass)
If I end up with too much light/algae, I'm open to floaters too.
Looking for any input or suggestions, especially in regards to the plants.