Making a sort of journal I suppose..I didn't see a section for journals so I hope it's okay to put this here.
This tank has made a bit of progress since I was getting help on the stocking.
The dimensions of this tank are 72"x18"x23", coming to 129g.
1 Black Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Albifrons)
1 Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)
1 Striped Peacock Eel (Macrognathus Siamensis)
4 Angelfish
3 Bichirs (Polypterus Delhezi, Palmas Palmas, Palmas Buettikoferi)
I'm skipping schooling fish as I can't find any that 1) Are big enough to not be eaten by the bichirs 2) Won't bother other fish 3) Won't eat plants 4) Won't cost a lot
I may add another bichir, a platinum senegal, if my friend's sexed pair ends up breeding (which I think they will under her wonderful care)
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Amazonicus)
Melon Sword (Echinodorus Osiris)
Aponogeton Ulvaceus (Aponogeton Ulvaceus)
Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus 'Zenkeri')
Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne Balansae)
Madagascar Lace (Aponogeton Madagascariensis) -- I realize this may be iffy, but I'd like to try it anyway.
Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia Repens)
Banana plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
Cryptocorynes (Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red & Green)
Four Leaf Clover/Water Shamrock (Marsilea Quadrifolia) -- Same as above
Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum)
Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus Fluitans)
Anubias Nana (Anubias Barteri Nana)
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)
Java Fern Windelov (Microsorum Pteropus 'Windelov')
African Water Fern (Bolbitis Heudelotii)
Lighting is 2 36" Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+
Will be dosing Flourish Excel and EI based NPK + CSM+B
^ I'm not sure if that explains much. Using anything for plants is very new to me but trying to give as much info about this tank as I can, I'll also be using root tabs.
Using black petco sand for substrate, PVC pipes covered in quikrete and sealed with plastidip as caves, and manzanita driftwood.
The filters are two SunSun HW-304B canisters.
Here was the tank when we first got it
It had to be fixed up a little. Dad did most of the work but he did let me help. We sanded and repainted the sand, added handles, reinforced the bottom, painted the trim of the tank.
Dad pulled this out from somewhere for me. So much easier than unplugging everything!
Those were taken a while ago. We've had this tank since January and it's still not done <.<
We finally got some wood a bit ago and it has sunk and I'm cycling the tank now. Lots of tannins
I have some of the fish for this tank already, 3 angelfish and a leopard bushfish. Two of the smaller angels are in my 20g flatback hex til this tank is ready. The biggest one is in my 55g.
The bushfish is in a 10g by himself (he's very small, about the size from the tip of my fingernail to the middle knuckle on my thumb, and he's getting a 50% water change every other day)
The biggest angel, who is a ham and eats out of my hand and follows me whenever I'm nearby.
Two smaller angels
Leopard Bushfish
Here is a video of him, you can see him yawn at 2:00
Didn't really take to that earthworm pellet for some reason! I don't know if he wasn't as hungry as the day before or what.
He took an entire shrimp pellet the other day (his face looked so fat!) Thankfully he spat it out and I was able to break it in half.
I'm ordering the plants from bamaplants, I'm waiting on him to get more stuff in stock before I order. I may do two orders as I don't think everything I'm getting will be in stock in the quantities I want at the same time. I'll let the plants settle and root in before getting the eel, hopefully that helps. I don't mind replanting things though.
I'll also be waiting on adding the bichirs til the other fish are a decent size so the bichirs don't get any ideas..
The tank is cycling like I said earlier, and it's going pretty quickly. On 4/15 I added ammonia up to 3ppm, and on 4/18 all of the ammonia was gone and it was at 5ppm+ nitrites. I tested again on 4/21 and the nitrites were all gone. So added up to 3ppm again and am testing daily. I'm using a cycling article off of another forum. Just letting that be known in case anyone is wondering why I'm doing it the way I am
This tank has made a bit of progress since I was getting help on the stocking.
The dimensions of this tank are 72"x18"x23", coming to 129g.
1 Black Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Albifrons)
1 Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)
1 Striped Peacock Eel (Macrognathus Siamensis)
4 Angelfish
3 Bichirs (Polypterus Delhezi, Palmas Palmas, Palmas Buettikoferi)
I'm skipping schooling fish as I can't find any that 1) Are big enough to not be eaten by the bichirs 2) Won't bother other fish 3) Won't eat plants 4) Won't cost a lot
I may add another bichir, a platinum senegal, if my friend's sexed pair ends up breeding (which I think they will under her wonderful care)
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Amazonicus)
Melon Sword (Echinodorus Osiris)
Aponogeton Ulvaceus (Aponogeton Ulvaceus)
Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus 'Zenkeri')
Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne Balansae)
Madagascar Lace (Aponogeton Madagascariensis) -- I realize this may be iffy, but I'd like to try it anyway.
Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia Repens)
Banana plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
Cryptocorynes (Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red & Green)
Four Leaf Clover/Water Shamrock (Marsilea Quadrifolia) -- Same as above
Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum)
Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus Fluitans)
Anubias Nana (Anubias Barteri Nana)
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)
Java Fern Windelov (Microsorum Pteropus 'Windelov')
African Water Fern (Bolbitis Heudelotii)
Lighting is 2 36" Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+
Will be dosing Flourish Excel and EI based NPK + CSM+B
^ I'm not sure if that explains much. Using anything for plants is very new to me but trying to give as much info about this tank as I can, I'll also be using root tabs.
Using black petco sand for substrate, PVC pipes covered in quikrete and sealed with plastidip as caves, and manzanita driftwood.
The filters are two SunSun HW-304B canisters.
Here was the tank when we first got it
It had to be fixed up a little. Dad did most of the work but he did let me help. We sanded and repainted the sand, added handles, reinforced the bottom, painted the trim of the tank.
Dad pulled this out from somewhere for me. So much easier than unplugging everything!
Those were taken a while ago. We've had this tank since January and it's still not done <.<
We finally got some wood a bit ago and it has sunk and I'm cycling the tank now. Lots of tannins
I have some of the fish for this tank already, 3 angelfish and a leopard bushfish. Two of the smaller angels are in my 20g flatback hex til this tank is ready. The biggest one is in my 55g.
The bushfish is in a 10g by himself (he's very small, about the size from the tip of my fingernail to the middle knuckle on my thumb, and he's getting a 50% water change every other day)
The biggest angel, who is a ham and eats out of my hand and follows me whenever I'm nearby.
Two smaller angels
Leopard Bushfish
Here is a video of him, you can see him yawn at 2:00
Didn't really take to that earthworm pellet for some reason! I don't know if he wasn't as hungry as the day before or what.
He took an entire shrimp pellet the other day (his face looked so fat!) Thankfully he spat it out and I was able to break it in half.
I'm ordering the plants from bamaplants, I'm waiting on him to get more stuff in stock before I order. I may do two orders as I don't think everything I'm getting will be in stock in the quantities I want at the same time. I'll let the plants settle and root in before getting the eel, hopefully that helps. I don't mind replanting things though.
I'll also be waiting on adding the bichirs til the other fish are a decent size so the bichirs don't get any ideas..
The tank is cycling like I said earlier, and it's going pretty quickly. On 4/15 I added ammonia up to 3ppm, and on 4/18 all of the ammonia was gone and it was at 5ppm+ nitrites. I tested again on 4/21 and the nitrites were all gone. So added up to 3ppm again and am testing daily. I'm using a cycling article off of another forum. Just letting that be known in case anyone is wondering why I'm doing it the way I am