129G Planted Oddball Tank


Medium Fish
Mar 23, 2013
Cool updates. Love that bushfish.

I believe most of the four leaf clovers tend to switch form underwater and will only have one leaf - so if the current growth dies off don't take out the roots right away.
I love him too! Glad you like him.

Oh I see, thanks for letting me know! I will keep an eye on it :D


Medium Fish
Mar 23, 2013
Soo the angelfish have finally moved in ^^

Lemongrab (gold) is the king. He attacked the other angels as soon as he went in. The black one (who the striped one used to bully) follows him around everywhere and now chases/attacks the striped. I can't remember what the color is called for our other one but he leaves everyone alone though he gets picked on sometimes. He is small enough he can hide in the caves.

Here's Lemongrab. Those sparkles on him are normal, don't worry. :)

Continued in next post. I should have been able to do two more pics (since 10 is the maximum) but it's saying my next two bring me up to twelve pictures. Whatever.


Medium Fish
Mar 23, 2013
Here is a blurry pic, the most recent of the BGK. Unfortunately he moves too much for me to get clear ones..hopefully I can get a really nice shot one day :)
The upcoming eel ones will be blurry too as they also do not stop moving!

Nigel <3

I love when he squishes his nose against the glass XD

See if you can spot him being a ninja :D I was frustrated since all I was getting was blurry pictures, swiping through and deleting and then I noticed him. Made everything better!

Continued in next post. Sorry if this is considered spamming or something but I like to show multiple pics of all my fish that I love so much and I hope others enjoy them too.


Medium Fish
Mar 23, 2013

I finally caught a yawn picture of the leopard bushfish! :D

And here's the red tiger lotus ^^

I got a vid of feeding time a day or two after moving the angels in.
Normally I defrost in a little cup and take out small chunks to toss around/spot feed/hand feed but it's hard to do one handed so they just got a rain of blood worms :D