Depends on how many fry we're talking about. if its like 40-80 then they have vast numbers on their side, sure some might get eaten here and there but more have the chance to grow up healthy. as long as there are tons of plants with fine leave like cabomba or hornwort, then yea they will be just fine. danios and adult guppies wont be able to go throught the plants right? Another very important part is to ALWAYS keep your adult fish well fed. im not saying overfeed, so that ammonia will go up and the fry might die, im saying keep their appentite in check so that they wont bother going for the fry. What are you feeding your fish? If you have only been feeding them flakes, you might want to concider live, or frozen food to keep em happy.
do you think fry from three pregnant guppies would be ok in my 40g main
tank? it is well planted and has plenty of other hiding spots.
there is only 18 adult fish the only ones im kinda worried about eating the
fry is the giant danios mine eat anything that they can fit in there mouth!