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  1. FreshyFresh

    I did a big NO-NO

    How small is this nano tank? A tiny tank with sand is always going to be a challenge when removing/adding water. You have to be super gentle. I find it odd that the expensive sand you bought is such a hassle? I've got cheap black sand (that is extremely fine) from Petco that is no hassle...
  2. FreshyFresh

    I Just Change a lot of Water and Use Land Plants

    Sounds nice! How many gallons are your large tanks? A few of my tanks have live plants and I have some pothos growing out of my oscar tank and goldfish tank.
  3. FreshyFresh

    Gold fish not swimming or eating

    You could get by with these 2 fish in a 20g for some time, just shoot for larger weekly water changes. A real basic rule of thumb for fancy goldfish is, 20g for one, with 10 additional gallons for each additional fancy. 29g is a nice easy to get, off the shelf tank size for this. They can...
  4. FreshyFresh

    Gold fish not swimming or eating

    What's your weekly water change volume? Hopefully they're in a 29g tank at a minimum. Fancy goldfish will eventually get fist sized. Fed lightly, with a quality pellet food,etc, 2 fancies in a 29g would require a weekly fin-level water change (~80%).
  5. FreshyFresh

    Best gourami for community tank?

    This tank is overstocked as is. I'd get the common pleco out of there as they will grow to 18" long. You could keep the 18 tetras in there and in terms of a "best" gourami for a happy community tank, I'd suggest a female pearl gourami. They tend to be calm, almost timid.
  6. FreshyFresh

    What Did You Buy Recently?

    Just bought a pothos plant to try to get growing out of two of my tanks..
  7. FreshyFresh

    20G Live Plant Tank Setup

    Welcome wishbone! 20H's are a little more challenging to plant than a 20 long, but it's no big deal. If it's your first planted tank, I'd go with java fern, java moss, anubia and cyrptocoryne. None of them need tons of light, ferts or forms of CO2 added.
  8. FreshyFresh

    Aqua One Aquanano 30 Reef

    Very cool! Have you kept marine tanks in the past? Just curious how it is keeping one so small in terms of water quality management.
  9. FreshyFresh

    Betta fish flaring at nerite snail

    I know when I've kept a single male betta or a group of female bettas in my tanks with large mystery snails, the bettas would tend to pick at the snails. I had some wither away and die due to the picking.
  10. FreshyFresh

    Wardley Tropical Fish Flake

    Wardley's is typically as bad as it gets in terms of ingredient list. There's way better products out there IMO.
  11. FreshyFresh


    I've never found a fish store owner or employee to be an "expert", so be careful there. They are in the business to see you stuff and obviously need to, to keep the place open. The only levels you need to be concerned with is ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and you need a liquid test kit for...
  12. FreshyFresh

    growing outdoors

    I wouldn't do mosquito fish given they are invasive little buggers. I would do zebra danios. To me, platys or guppies would be cool, but we're only talking a 55g and breeding would be nuts with live-bearers in there.
  13. FreshyFresh

    Old tank to new tank

    Excess slime coat from your dechlorinator maybe? I know when I do my weekly fin-level water change on the 75g in my signature, I pre-treat the tank with 7.5mL of Prime for my dechlorinator. As it's filling, the oscar and sev shed off tons of white slime as they're scooting around...
  14. FreshyFresh

    Black Skirt Tetra Fry

    Very cool! I've never had any of my tetras or danios breed. You might wind up with a ton of them!
  15. FreshyFresh

    Aquarium stand

    You could set them up on sections of wood or a piece of plywood. The legs are made of 1" square tube with plastic caps on it, so each of the 4, one square inch feet has a lot of weight on it. Never tried it on carpet, but think it would mash in or be wobbly.
  16. FreshyFresh

    Cycling Question

    Amazon swords are tough as nails. Mid-high 80s wouldn't negatively effect them. Problem with Amazon Swords is, one they take-off, they get huge. I mistakenly started one in a 10g. Moved it to one of my 55s and I have to cut it back or it would outgrow a 55g. I wish you luck and lots of...
  17. FreshyFresh

    Cycling Question

    You can absolutely add water when ever needed. Just be sure to use a dechlorinator. If you're doing a fishless cycle by adding ammonia, keep the temperature cranked up to mid-high 80s if you can get it there. Keep the ammonia dosed to 3-5ppm and wait for your nitrite spike. It can take weeks.
  18. FreshyFresh


    Laura, welcome! Did you establish a nitrogen cycle in this tank prior to adding fish? At only 5gal, things will go south quickly if you haven't. If you can get a well used sponge bubbler filter from a healthy established tank, and get it going in your 5gal, you'll be good to go. If not...
  19. FreshyFresh

    Aquarium stand

    Yeah, they're pretty nice for fitting maximum tankage in minimum space. LOL. Just search Titan Eze metal stands. They make them from twin 10g to the largest that holds twin 75/90/110. They're not expensive either, but I wouldn't use them on carpeting or soft flooring due to the 4 pointy...
  20. FreshyFresh

    Aquarium stand

    Not the best pic and a little old, but this is my 75g (top) and 55g (bottom). I added a piece of plywood under the 55g, given this stand is intended to hold two 48" x 18" tanks. I also put a pair of jack posts in the basement to give extra support to the floor.