!0 gal tank, how many more fish should i add?

Nov 3, 2005
New York
I have a 10gal fish tank ive had for 2 months now, i have 2 zebra danios, 1 giant danio, 2 pictus catfish and i algae eater, what else could i add to the tank without over crowding it?


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2005
Victoria, BC
that sounds full to me....how big pictus' get? what is your algae eater?
Someone may or may not back me up on this, but maybe more dinos :)
is that the tank in your avatar?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Um....a pictus cat is not going to be happy in a 10...or a 20...I have one in a 46 and I have my doubts as to whether he's going to be happy in there long term. Personally I know they're great fish and lots of fun...but unless you're planning on getting a much bigger tank in the near future your tank might fare best if you traded the pictus in for some more danios. ( You do mean danios not dinos right? I dont think i've ever heard of a dino...minus the big purple dinosaur/dog on the flintstones...) The giant danio will also need much more room as it gets larger...thus the name giant danio as opposed to normal zebra or leopard danios that only get to be about 2 inches. Its also much happier in a school...just like the smaller danios are.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
matt201985 said:
ah, well, all mine do is hide and come out when its time to eat, they seem to be very healthy
That may not last for long. As Froggy said, that is not normal pictus behavior. IMO the giant danios need a much larger tank also. Do we have an ID on your algae eater yet?

It's a shame that too many fish shops sell fish that are totally inappropriate for any but the largest tanks (i.e., iridescent sharks) or very specific conditions (i.e., Arius seemani) but they do. It's up to each of us to learn what our fish require and choose accordingly. For newbies, once we know what our fish need, sometimes hard decisions need to be made. :(

Nov 3, 2005
New York
In my research i found that it says in alot of sites that they like to hide to feel secure, and the minimum size tank is 20gal. so whos right and whos wrong? mine are healthy , had em for 2 months so far. so im sure they will be fine


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
So if you know that the minimum size is 20 gallons, then why did you get two of them for a 10 gallon, as well as other fish????? Pictus cats can get up to 10" each, and even if you use that silly "1 inch of fish per gallon" rule, then you would still only be able to fit one, not two, and definitely not two with other fish, in a 10 gallon tank. Your pictus cats may be 'surviving' but that's probably it, they definitely aren't 'thriving' in a tank that size and it will only get worse as they get bigger. The giant danio can get about 4" and does best in a school of 6 or more.

IMO, you should return the two pictus cats and giant danio. If you like the danio, then you could get a few smaller danios like zebras. Or a small school of six smaller tetras like neons. If you absolutely have to have a catfish, you could get a couple of cory cats. They are interesting little catfish and they are always scouring the substrate for food, which helps with cleanup.

Nov 3, 2005
New York
giant danio died today(hated him anyway, very territorial and chased my other fish constantly), so whats in my list now is what i have.going to sell the catfish to a friend , $5 for the both of em. He has a 65gal.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
That's a much better idea, the catfish would be a lot happier in a tank that size. Just for future reference, do as much research as you can before you buy, that way you don't have to make those decisions. A lot of times you will get conflicting opinions on different fish, but do more research and trust the experts. There are people on this forum who have been keeping fish for decades, most people in the pet stores will, unfortunately, tell you what you want to hear so you buy their fish. Just remember, you can never do too much research ;) Good luck with your tank.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Ditto Frog and MOsborne. Sometimes learning what your fish requires means tough choices have to be made.. They will not be "ok". I'm sorry but you will stunt them in your tank. Stunting is when the fish's body stops growing and the organs continue. This results in a slow but certain death.
Check out the Cories, they are great little fish!!