be prepared to drop hundreds of dollars if you do...
Salinity= 1.023
Nitrates dropped again... hopefully they stabilize soon... Nitrites dropped for the first time to 1.0. I'm pretty excited about that hoping they stay down. I am assuming the new 4 or so fully cured rock helped out a lot....on top of the 3 or so fully cured rock I added earlier in the week.
I have pretty much decided to play it safe and stick with a pair of clowns and a goby of some sort. I am looking into different types of clowns since at work we carry a few more than the normal false percs... We have clarkii's, saddleback's, skunks, and tomato's. I probably wont buy the fish at work even though the clowns (besides the false percs) are kept in somewhat better tank conditions than the rest (petco, what can you expect). But I can order whatever at my LFS for cheaper. I hear the black/white ocellaris so I prob wont get them, along with the clarkii's for the same reason.