Yeah I repositioned one powerhead that was shooting up so it now indirectly pushes around the sand.... I'll cut back the light since right now its on for like... well probably too long, I don't know how long right now.
After this past week, the corals I still see or didn't have to recover look great. I keep forgetting my camera in my car but I'll take pics soon. Mostly the zoas and gsp have opened nicely and the tree coral has attached and expanded a bit already.
My xenia I had first is going crazy and pulses a lot so it's still probably my fav.
I know clowns are technically damsels... Is there another type someone would suggest besides false percs? I still want to add a six line eventually... They look too cool not to have.
After this past week, the corals I still see or didn't have to recover look great. I keep forgetting my camera in my car but I'll take pics soon. Mostly the zoas and gsp have opened nicely and the tree coral has attached and expanded a bit already.
My xenia I had first is going crazy and pulses a lot so it's still probably my fav.
I know clowns are technically damsels... Is there another type someone would suggest besides false percs? I still want to add a six line eventually... They look too cool not to have.