10 gallon stocking


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Im getting my 10 gallon tank monday and setting it up. Ive decided shelldellers arent bet for since i dont wanna order offline. so ive come up with 2 options.

Option A
1 Dwarf Gourami
2 Dalmation Molly's
3 Corydora Catfish

Option B
1 Crowntail Betta
2 Platys
3 Corydra catfish

What does everyone think?


Superstar Fish
1 Crowntail Betta
6 Corydoras catfish

1 Crowntail Betta
6-8 Lemon/Rummy/Any small tetra
REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! Six cory's in a 10 GALLON. I think I give up!!!!! With all the good info on this site and the internet how do you think this works. You have to explain this to ME PLEASE!!!! And we have to endure the posts about why did my fish all die. Please let me know how you get 6 of these to thrive in a 10G. If this seems blunt I am sorry, I am very sorry. I just need you to explain how this works, I am serious!!! HOW? If you make suggestions like this you should be able to have PROOF that this produces healthy fish under NORMAL circumstances. Once again I am so sorry this is blunt but, I need you to explain YOUR recommendations about this stocking suggestion.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I have a 10g and a cory catfish. She seems just fine alone, so I don't really see the need for lots. Maybe just a couple would be fine. I also have mollies and a crowntail betta. The one thing is, the betta would rather pick a fight with or eat the other fish than make friends with them. I don't know if it depends on their type (crowntail, halfmoon, veiltail, ect), or not, but I heard that bettas have different personalities. Sometimes, they can be little sweeties, and make friends with the other fish, but other times, they would rather kill or eat them. My Princey is not on good terms with the fry...

Feb 27, 2009
I have a 10g and a cory catfish. She seems just fine alone, so I don't really see the need for lots.
You have not had the 1 cory in your 1/2 of a 10gallon tank long. Regarldess that she 'seems just fine alone' to you, she is still a shoaling fish species and will be stressed to some extent not having her kind around. Time will tell how this stress manifests.

My Princey is not on good terms with the fry...
Most fish, betta included, consider fry as food. If it will fit into a fish's mouth, and its a meat eating species, he/she will try to eat it.

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Apr 14, 2008
You have not had the 1 cory in your 1/2 of a 10gallon tank long. Regardless that she 'seems just fine alone' to you, she is still a shoaling fish species and will be stressed to some extent not having her kind around. Time will tell how this stress manifests.
I've had a solo leopard cory for years with no ill effects. It wasn't really by choice but when I got it in 2007, he was the ONLY one of his kind. Same when I say I have a lone bronze cory juvie[descendant from the others] in my 55gal. I tried putting it in with the other bronzes in the 40gB and Doom almost ate it[she's huge and I didn't realize it was that small *thumbsdow ] so I made the decision to keep it alone and so far, it's been ok. Still growing, feeding as usual, extremely active, playful, w/e.

These situations are not ideal, I know, but IMHO seeing these fish still thrive makes me think the whole schooling thing is overrated. Just because they like/prefer companions doesn't mean it's absolutely essential to their overall survival. With that being said, I would definitely recommend getting them companions if you can[and definitely in the right size tank].


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I am a firm belivier that schooling fish need friends. Thats why i want 3 cory's. Do you guys think it'd be okay to do 3 Of the either Platys or Mollys with a Crowntail betta? I think i can pick out one that wont be il toward other fish by doing the cup test. if you put 2 betta's side by side and one dont flare or even really care that normally means he'l be nice. Or least in my cases ive found that. The ones that do flair most likely will be mean. What is they max fish i can do for this tank? I think 6 or 7


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I have a 10g and a cory catfish. She seems just fine alone, so I don't really see the need for lots. Maybe just a couple would be fine. I also have mollies and a crowntail betta. The one thing is, the betta would rather pick a fight with or eat the other fish than make friends with them. I don't know if it depends on their type (crowntail, halfmoon, veiltail, ect), or not, but I heard that bettas have different personalities. Sometimes, they can be little sweeties, and make friends with the other fish, but other times, they would rather kill or eat them. My Princey is not on good terms with the fry...
I'm sorry but this is just awful advice.

"I don't really see the need for lots". Corydoras are schooling fish. They stick together for security, and tend to do a lot better this way. I once had a lone leopard cory, which I never saw.

"the betta would rather pick a fight with or eat the other fish than make friends with them". This is a fairly sweeping statement, bettas don't get big enough to eat other fish bigger than fry, and if that's what you're referring to, ALL fish, even the parents, can turn and eat fry because they will see it as live food. And whilst it's true they can pick at other fish my experience is that they tend to keep to themselves in a community (which is also not the ideal set-up for them anyway). Also, I don't know what's given you the idea that fish make "friends" but I digress.

Fishman, I wouldn't put mollies in a 10g. They get a bit too big. Platies I'd want more of so I'm not even sure I'd get them. The biggest thing against them is the fact they multiply and a 10g can't, under any circumstances, support a constantly-multiplying population of fish.

I'm also disappointed (yet not surprised) you haven't bothered to investigate the deaths of your otos after so short a time in your tanks. No doubt we'll run into the same old problems here.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am assuming because your other tanks broke that you will not have to spend money on filter, heater, substrate, and decor? How much have you budgeted for fish. I still am confused about your statement concerning the shell dwellers. What is your plan for cycling and also - have you leveled your dresser??

Jul 18, 2011
REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! Six cory's in a 10 GALLON. I think I give up!!!!! With all the good info on this site and the internet how do you think this works. You have to explain this to ME PLEASE!!!! And we have to endure the posts about why did my fish all die. Please let me know how you get 6 of these to thrive in a 10G. If this seems blunt I am sorry, I am very sorry. I just need you to explain how this works, I am serious!!! HOW? If you make suggestions like this you should be able to have PROOF that this produces healthy fish under NORMAL circumstances. Once again I am so sorry this is blunt but, I need you to explain YOUR recommendations about this stocking suggestion.
Look at Option 1. Fishman says he might put in 3 corydoras catfish and 2 dalmatian mollies. From what I've heard, corydoras catfish and mollies both require a 15 GALLON tank minimum. But, since you've ignored that, I'm assuming 2 mollies are equivalent to 2 corydoras catfish, because we're talking about STOCKING here, and they both require the same tank size. So, 6 isn't a huge jump. Now, I personally do not believe corydoras catfish require a 15 gallon tank minimum. Additionally, Fishman apparently wants corydoras catfish for a 10 gallon aquarium (he mentioned them in both of his plans), so why not? I'm also assuming Fishman can only afford up to a 10 gallon. Furthermore, a school of 6 cories would be do-able if he kept up with water changes. I don't understand why a difference of 3 more fish would make a huge difference. The only reason why I recommended 6 cories was so they would be "happier" in a school, if that's what the OP wants, but if he doesn't really care, I don't see why any more than 3 and less or equal to 6 wouldn't work, especially if the only other inhabitant is a Betta. If the stocking issue is about swimming space, an aqueon 16 gallon bow front isn't that much wider than a 10 gallon; I use the 16 bow front as an example because I don't see ANY 15 gallon aquariums at any LFS's. Again, Fishman may only be able to afford a 10 gallon. Also, what TYPE of corydoras? What about the SMALL species like Corydoras hasbrosus or pygmaeus? If you think a tank bigger than 10 gallons is the minimum for cories, how would you know? Are you a corydoras catfish? Put it this way. Would you rather live with 5 others in a spacious tank, but it has NO plants or hiding places; basically it's just a bare tank, or would you rather live with others in a somewhat cramped tank, but it has many plants, hiding places, and a fine-grained substrate? Again, cost comes into play. 10 gallons is such a popular size because it can accommodate many more fish than smaller sizes, yet is small enough to only have to spend a small amount on supplies.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My old 10 gallon tank was used for my sisters hamster if you will recall thyra as the cage she was in was to easy to escape. No tank has "Broke" yet in my care, the 20 gallon that begun cracking is sitting in the building being use as a greenhouse type thing. I do not want to order fish offline thyra because a my mother would have to order them since im not 18 and b its to risky for me since my Post office is small and in our area there's been talk about shutting them down. So i figured id go for an easy community tank.

Now onto the current debates, Even if i did choose Corydora's Pygy varity Flame, 6 is still to many imo for a 10 gallon tank. Have you seen the adult size of a Peppered Corydora? I have, my mother kept some in a 10 gallon before, they got 3 1/2 inchs long. 6 of those in a 10 gallon tank would be crazy. Onto my next question, if my Platy idea wont work, what other "group fish" can be kept in a 10 gallon tank with either a Dwarf Gourami or a Crowntail Betta (One of those will be my centerpiece) When i thaught up this plan, only a livebearer fit that, perhaps i overlooked something, i was getting a betta also in hopes that he would control the fry if there were any. In my old tanks, i never had any Fry live besides 1 or 2 which replaced there mothers/fathers. But i do see the issue if the parents arent killers and the betta cant find the fry, it'l be overstocked after one good batch of fry ive. So with that being said, im going to do some research on Aqadvisor, Google and my brain and come up with some other options.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
These 2 options i plugged in on Aqadvisor, the first one can also be interchangeable with Cherry Barbs, and other small schooling fish, second one yes i know i have to make the tank with lots of hiding places for the girls.

4 Bleeding Heart Tetras
3 Albino Corys
1 Female Betta
4 female Bettas
3 Albino Corys

Jul 18, 2011
These 2 options i plugged in on Aqadvisor, the first one can also be interchangeable with Cherry Barbs, and other small schooling fish, second one yes i know i have to make the tank with lots of hiding places for the girls.

4 Bleeding Heart Tetras
3 Albino Corys
1 Female Betta
4 female Bettas
3 Albino Corys
I like the first option. Darn, you would have a lot more options if yu were allowed to order fish online. Frank's aquarium has great nano fish like pygmy cories (btw if you don't think 6 would work then I would try 5) and microrasbora. A really cool nano fish is called the Mini moth catfish (hara jerdoni). It's not very common in LFS's but only gets tp about an inch long so congrats if you find some. They are coldwater fish so you could maybe put some with celestial pearl danios or white cloud mountain minnows.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Fishman, what you said previously was the tank the hamster had was from back before your uncle built the tank that broke. Then your Dad came home with another 10gallon new tank which you said broke - at least to the point where you got water all over your bedroom floor and that was why your mother didn't want you to have a tank any bigger than a 10g tank this time. I am only going on what you said in your posts. I would assume the hamster doesn't need the filter or the heater from any of the tanks you have had. Nothing will probably change about the post office situation for months - maybe years and there is always UPS or Fedex. Anyway you have always said your LFS would order you anything you wanted so that wasn't a problem.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Fishman, I looked back at 500 of your posts and I am not confused. (At least not with what you wrote which is all I have to go on) BUT the relevance has to do with what you really want, how you are going to go about getting it, how it will fit in a 10g tank, and how to maintain the whole thing. I have not been able to find where you have a method of testing water - only a post where you didn't think it was necessary and that it wouldn't change anything. As much as some of us want to help you, you make if very difficult.

Just exactly what do you want to put in your tank and how were you planning to cycle it?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I want to do either a Female Betta Sorority or a Community tank with small Tetra's, a catfish and a centerpiece. Ive looked at True Rummynoses a good deal and Corydora's.

I intend to use a instant cycling product as the one i have has always worked as ive never lost a fish with it before.