10 gallon

Feb 27, 2009
Fishman1995, Robert....

You have the tools to do this right. You have the support of more experienced folks that want nothing more than for you to be sucessful.

You just don't seem (this is strictly my opinion here) to want to follow through with what needs done. Pardon me for saying it, but it comes across as being lazy. When you are dealing with living creatures that depend on you, you must put forth the effort to keep them healthy if they are in your care. Otherwise, leave them to be purchased by someone else. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that is how I feel.

I will say no more. I'm sorry if this was not the right thing to say. I just am at a loss...


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am sorry Fishman, but after two years of help, that is a lousy excuse. We have really wanted you to succeed!! I agree with OC, you really come across as being lazy and like you don't really care about living creatures. You have gotten angry with some of us and left the forum and some of us have felt like not even trying to help you any more, but for whatever reason we all - including you - keep coming back. What, forever more, do you expect for help?? You have said once you didn't see what good water testing did and yet you continue to lose fish. It is like as much as you say you want to have fish, you ignore them for days at a time. You even name your fish as if they were your friends and you really let them down! You have no idea the hours, I personally have spent off line, trying to figure out a way to help you, but obviously I am a failure here too and I am sure OC feels the same.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Fishman, I have to agree with Thyra and OC here. Your ammonia should be zero, nitrites zero, and once your nitrates reach 20ppm then it's time to do a water change. Simple as that. Before you add anymore fish to your tank, I suggest sticking a raw peeled shrimp in your tank and test the water daily. This is a quick and easy way to cycle your tank.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Fishman1995, Robert....

You have the tools to do this right. You have the support of more experienced folks that want nothing more than for you to be sucessful.

You just don't seem (this is strictly my opinion here) to want to follow through with what needs done. Pardon me for saying it, but it comes across as being lazy. When you are dealing with living creatures that depend on you, you must put forth the effort to keep them healthy if they are in your care. Otherwise, leave them to be purchased by someone else. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that is how I feel.

I will say no more. I'm sorry if this was not the right thing to say. I just am at a loss...
For the most part I try to avoid posting on Fishman threads, I don't have a history with him and haven't invested much time in him. But my opinion of him has always been the same, I think he enjoys watching things suffer (if he didn't he would change the way he does things) , I also think he enjoys the attention he gets here after he tortures his fish (If he didn't he would stop killing a tank full of fish every few weeks and then ask for options on his next tank of victims)

To many times I've seen him get good sound advice then do the complete opposite, and I've only been on this board about 10 months now.

The very first thread I started on this board lauraf advised me to get my own test kit that very night I purchased one and have no regrets, Its been easier for me (Less guess work) and better for the fish (No time lapse, quicker responses to changing tank conditions)

Fishman why wait for the fish to die before testing the water, Most of us test the water so the fish don't die. Do you understand what they mean when they say test the water daily while the tank is cycling.

On a new startup I test my water at least twice a day, and if the readings vary or are inconsistent I will test 3 or 4 times a day.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
djm...do you honestly feel that i am such a sick and dillusioned individual that i would bring home fish that costed money, put them in a tank and then purposely kill them. That makes no sense and it fully and entirely depresses and upsets me to the limits. I have tried to change, but im telling you we cant drop $30 on a liquid test kit. I got test strips and i tested the water daily. Just because i dont keep a diary of what i do doesnt mean im not doing what im supposed to. I do changes on Ferdnan's tank every 2 days whether it needs it or not. You guys make it seem like im the same Fishman1995 that joined this forum 2 and a half years ago. I am progressing at my own rate. I got the gravel vacume you all insisited on me getting and i use it weekly. I use past tank Media to cycle my tank which i have been told will work before. And yet i continue to hear that im not doing this right...and i feel most of it boils down to i dont have a liquid test kit because you guys use that and dont think test strips are accurate enough.

Im not trying to argue because god knows i need someone to help me when i setup a tank, and you are the only other active forum i can join. I have a perminant block off of Fishlore. I try to do better but it seems comments like what djm just posted always come up. And then Thyra likes them which makes me feel she feels the same way. Which in a way crushes my feelings. Im not a cruel person.


Superstar Fish
Many of us here spend a lot of personal time and effort to offer advice and help to people who seek it. Its a great feeling to help someone and steer them into the right direction for continued success. Helping people can be a great feeling and a wonderful experience. I see many new people here start out not knowing how to care for their pets but, most of them learn from the info and advice very fast and then they themselves are offering advice to people as well.
I see you say that you are learning at your own rate??? Learning and listening to advice and info is two very different things. One can still listen to advice and fallow it without learning it. There are so many posts here on this site about how to do it right that you do not have to learn it. If you don't know you can look it up here. I am not trying to be hard on you at all, I am just telling it how I see it. A lot of your posts here have the same advice over and over and over again. It does not matter how fast, how slow, or even if you learn it. The advice is here and you just need to fallow it. No one is mad because you are learning at your own pace they are upset because they feel like you are wasting their time when you ask for advice and you do something totally different then the advice given. Then just a short span in time and its back asking about the same type of situation again. If you ask for advice you should use it and fallow it. No one here wants to see anybody fail that's for sure!!! I like anyone else here wants to help and give advice and even learn a few new tips about the hobby. I even enjoy being re-schooled on a few bits of info that I had wrong. Coming here and asking or seeking advice and info is fine but, you need to be proactive and apply this advice and info that you have asked for.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Fishman, I'm not in agreement with the fish killing spree thing and enjoyment of it. Sick... Anywho, I don't understand why we fight so much on here. Yes, I admit that I've gotten into a few bickering arguements with Thyra, but we're just trying to help. Although, djm, I thought that what you said was mean and revolting. I know that some people out there are like that, but then why would Fishman be asking for advice and seem to care about his fish so much?? I cried when I found out that my Bettas had died and my dad (the idiotic person who almost killed my bearded dragon) asked me why I would pay $20 for sushi. Yeah, I got him for that one..... Anyway, I think that we should just start helping on here and not judging a person so harshly. People can look up things on google and these threads pop up (I've done it before). I really don't think that they would want to see us bickering and accussing other people on how they torture fish. Then they'll all think that we're a bunch of sick psychotic people!!

Fishman1995 said:
because i had an arguement on there like i had on here and got blocked for rudeness. maybe they thought i was a sick sedistic killer also. might get more interested in killing people than fish.
Don't say that!! I know that we all have our moments of wanting to "kill" people (I do too, only it's not other people that I go after. It's me. Just think about where I'm getting at and you'll obviously tell that I failed. -_-'). Still, don't think like that. You don't want to end up in a cushion room with a straight jacket on, looking at the cushions and naming all the specks that you can find. Yes, I have a wonderful imagination. FTW!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You have been on this forum about a year and 8 months. We have been over the exact same thing time and again. It is almost like you ask questions and don't read the replies. You have spent more on fish in that time than the test kit would cost. We have found it for as little as $18, too, but you have at one point stated you couldn't see the necessity for testing the water . I have gone back and read most of your 500 posts (I can only go back that far) and it is still difficult to tell what is true and what is fiction. You say you take fish back to the LFS and then we find out you didn't. We tell you to level your tank, you complain what a job it was to empty it, and then later you say you never did it and the tank broke. (And now you say a tank never broke on your watch, yet you say your mother doesn't want you to have a bigger tank because of the mess it made in your room) You euthanzied some fish because you said they needed oxygen and were suffering. You bought a paradise fish after OC advised against it and it was murdered the same day. You have admitted you don't do regular maintenance and it was months before we found you weren't vacuuming at all. All you have to do is go back and read your posts and you will see why we are discouraged. We do read what you write and we have repeatedly tried to help. BTW just exactly what did you use to cycle the tank? What is "past tank media" and I thought you used some "instant cycle" with your previous tank but I don't believe you ever said which kind. Did you have some left over? The only one I can find that has positive reviews is Tetra Safe Start and it used to be kind of spendy.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Fishman, I'm not in agreement with the fish killing spree thing and enjoyment of it. Sick... Anywho, I don't understand why we fight so much on here. Yes, I admit that I've gotten into a few bickering arguements with Thyra, but we're just trying to help. Although, djm, I thought that what you said was mean and revolting. I know that some people out there are like that, but then why would Fishman be asking for advice and seem to care about his fish so much?? I cried when I found out that my Bettas had died and my dad (the idiotic person who almost killed my bearded dragon) asked me why I would pay $20 for sushi. Yeah, I got him for that one..... Anyway, I think that we should just start helping on here and not judging a person so harshly. People can look up things on google and these threads pop up (I've done it before). I really don't think that they would want to see us bickering and accussing other people on how they torture fish. Then they'll all think that we're a bunch of sick psychotic people!!

Don't say that!! I know that we all have our moments of wanting to "kill" people (I do too, only it's not other people that I go after. It's me. Just think about where I'm getting at and you'll obviously tell that I failed. -_-'). Still, don't think like that. You don't want to end up in a cushion room with a straight jacket on, looking at the cushions and naming all the specks that you can find. Yes, I have a wonderful imagination. FTW!!!
Kiara I didn't write this to be mean, and infact I tried to tone it down abit but was to late and lost my edit window, But I did write it hoping it would have impact on Fishman, then maybe he would start listening to what people tell him instead of always doing the same thing with the same results, perfect example go to this thread page 3 read post 24-25 , but here we are again with more dead fish, is anyone surprised, I'm not.

Click here http://www.myfishtank.net/forum/freshwater-general-discussion/64422-10-gallon-stocking-3.html

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, I remeber reading that. I can understand the loss of the edit window. I hate it when that happens. I can understand how you guys feel though. He asks for advice, you give it to him, and yet he goes off and does his own thing and asks us again what went wrong. I don't really understand his thought process, and with the constant lying of what happened to his tanks. I had my tank crack and came on here to fix it. Everyone immediantly responded and I got the problem fixed within the next day. Same with the Water Line Break thread that I posted. I was scared, but I consulted people, and ended up doing a water change with bottled water. Thankfully we had 15 access gallons of the stuff. :D


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
djm...do you honestly feel that i am such a sick and dillusioned individual that i would bring home fish that costed money, put them in a tank and then purposely kill them. That makes no sense and it fully and entirely depresses and upsets me to the limits. I have tried to change, but im telling you we cant drop $30 on a liquid test kit. I got test strips and i tested the water daily. Just because i dont keep a diary of what i do doesnt mean im not doing what im supposed to. I do changes on Ferdnan's tank every 2 days whether it needs it or not. You guys make it seem like im the same Fishman1995 that joined this forum 2 and a half years ago. I am progressing at my own rate. I got the gravel vacume you all insisited on me getting and i use it weekly. I use past tank Media to cycle my tank which i have been told will work before. And yet i continue to hear that im not doing this right...and i feel most of it boils down to i dont have a liquid test kit because you guys use that and dont think test strips are accurate enough.

Im not trying to argue because god knows i need someone to help me when i setup a tank, and you are the only other active forum i can join. I have a perminant block off of Fishlore. I try to do better but it seems comments like what djm just posted always come up. And then Thyra likes them which makes me feel she feels the same way. Which in a way crushes my feelings. Im not a cruel person.
Fishman you say you're not a cruel person, but what you are doing to your fish is cruel, and I have a hard time understanding that and this is why.
At our house the pets get 100% from us, I have made mistakes with my cichlid tank but do the best I possibly can to correct it. I am so committed to this that when my wife gets sick she says she wishes she had gills, our son was raised the same way and when his fish get sick he sleeps on the couch because he believes his fish feel better if they can see him, I also believe this and will getup in the middle of the night and check my fish in times of crisis. Just remember your fish cant move from one room to the next, if its not happy it cant talk to its mother it has no options, it is 100% reliant on you, so please start doing your part and the fish will love you for it.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
You are all right. I can google half of this stuff. Im leaving this forum and i dont belive il be returning this time. I've had enough negative to kill a normal person. Goodbye all and i hope you have a great time with your fish.

Jan 15, 2012
Need some advice - 10 gallon newbie

So, I have a ten gallon tank I just bought. I set it up as instructed by the petshop people - like this - gravel in; plastic plant in; water in; heater in; filter in and running. Day two of everything humming away, without any fish.

I want a betta, was thinking about picking it up on Tuesday. I've also been told that i could have a few schooling fish in there without a problem. Thought I could add those fish in about week after the betta.

Everything seems to be acting normal, but I've been reading a lot and I'm kind of worried that, well, I'm about to really screw stuff up. Amonia? Bacteria? What do i need to not kill my poor fish that have not been added yet?



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Do not believe those particular pet store people!! First off read the "Sticky" in the Beginner's forum. You need to understand what cycling a tank means before you get any fish. Before getting any fish you also really do need a way to test your water and we highly recommend the API Master Liquid Test Kit for Freshwater. Your main concerns will be ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte. You don't need to worry about pH. There is a fish in and a fishless method and a lot to learn about both, but it will assure your success. You will be testing the water daily and doing partial water changes if you do a fish in cycle to keep your ammonia and nitrite at 0 until you see some nitrate. After that you will want to keep your nitrates at about 20ppm which you will do by partial water changes. Once you read the "Stickies" you will certainly have more questions. This is the place to ask!! There is always someone that will help.

And also: Welcome to the forum and fishkeeping!

OH forgot - why don't you start your own thread.