Okay I have some extra tanks I used to have set up about 2 years ago...I have 2 ten gallons, and a 20 gallon(long). I also found in my parents grauge i think a 20 high. (30x23x12 1/2). Found a stand out there too, it measures 31 inches across. I would like to have a least one 10 set up as a QT/fry rearing tank(still want to breed my bettas). My problem is is that my 16 gallon bow front is going to be for my shell dwelling cichlids...and I have 2 fish in there (if you have read my post on my ph issue you know what happened to everyone ) I have one danio and an albino cory cat left, and I need to move them, I also have 3 guppies that I can move in a few weeks (i hope). Would like to try a planted tank...dont want to get rid of the fish i have...and ideas?