10g betta sorority.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
FYI...I have it on very good authority (and my own observation) that the fish sold in Petco as "King Bettas" are actually 1/2 or 3/4 Imbillis and 1/2-1/4 splendins. they are actually straight fighting stock from Thailand. So you can save yourself the $30 in shipping and whatever the fish costs by getting one of theirs for like $8


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Ummmm, guys...Val said her LFS carries the imbillis, so she won't have to have them shipped.

Val, as far as you LFS keeping multiple males and females in a smaller tank with no problem, the reason they can do this is because they have a high turn-over of fish and they don't stay in the tank long enough to pair off and establish territories. I think Newman is right that if you kept two pairs in that small of a tank, you'd end up with one of them dead before too long, regardless of how peaceful they are. They're still bettas, and bettas are territorial.