10g saltwater tank!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Actually, the tank was bought at Wal-Mart ($9.55), Emperor 280 was given to me (store switched filters, gave my friend all the surplus filters), Aragonite sand was laying around at friend warehouse. Bought Bio-Active Live sand for $15, glass lid was 9.99 (Pet Paradise), Live rock (small cured pieces laying in tank for 2 years)($0.99 to &6.99 per pound at Pet Paradise), salt water & Damsels were given to me by friend from wholesaler yesterday. They didn't have much though. I think wholesaler is open to public on Saturdays. Its in Miami by the palmetto (826). Go south on 826 to 122 street, make right u-turn onto side access road, go down to I think 128th terrace, Make left its about 1-2 blocks down on the right side. Damsels at Pet Paradise are 4 for 10 dollars, (used for cycling), salt water is $0.60 a gallon(Pet Paradise). From what I'm reading, if you go with live rock/live sand, all you need is a good HOB filter & maybe a protein skimmer, depending on what your placing into tank. I'm really trying to setup a clown/anemone tank. I found JBJ Formosa desktop light at Petmeister (Online order store). Its a 17 inch 2 x 24 watt light strip with cooling fans. I may be able to get somemore items if you need. Let me know what your looking for, may have some items laying around. My freind has 2 more Emperor 280 unit. I think one needs an impeller, tube, & bio wheel (only if needed, may take out mine to prevent nitrate).  As for the wholesaler, I will try to get the name & exact address. They also sell South American freshwater fish also.*celebratesmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Thats the place, on Hiatus & Oakland Park. 5 minutes from me home. Pretty good owners, employees all have saltwater tanks. Owners son is trying small saltwater tanks also (clown/anemone). They can help you with tank setup also. They have an Eclipse 6 tank, fish only setup. You can it if go there. I can email you pic of my 10 gallon tank setup if want to see what it looks like. (Sorry, no website to post pics yet) *thumbsupsmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
I'll e-mail some pics later on tommorrow. I just switch it from 10 gallon tank to 20 gallon tank. 10 gallon is a little too small for what I really wanted to place in it. It will go with clown/anemone setup. Have compact lighting & protein skimmer installed with just Marineland Emperor 280 filter. Protein skimmer just running, not skimming yet. Still allowing tank to cycle, although I have never read any amounts of ammonia or nitrite so far. I will need more live rock for 20 gallon tank also. All the fish are fine, snails & hermit crab too. I'll probably switch out Marineland filter for canister type filter soon. I'll probably use 10 gallon & Emperor filter to cure more live rock. I'm also using natural sea water, not synthetic mixed sea water. How is your tank doing? Let me know. *crazysmiley*


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My tank is doing fine. I'm thinking of gettingt a bigger tank. 10g TOOOOO SMALLLLL!!!!!! I might get like a 20g or a 30g. I'll send you some pics.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
If posted my previous 10 gallon Nano Tank setup info now on "Hey just some info" posting area since tank has gone to 20 gallon tank (I assume thats NOT a Nano anymore-more like Micro Reef some have said). Later, Ernest *crazysmiley*