10g tank with Gouramis

Jun 28, 2003
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Just thought i'd say that i've got 2 dwarf gouramis (one blue neon, one red neon), 2 corys (a large julii and a small peppered) and an otto in my 10g and it's running like a dream. The gouramis have their own terratories at either end of the tank so there are no conflicts, the corys keep each other company and my little otto is invaluable, the tank is always spotless!

May 20, 2004
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I am new to the site and a fairly new aquarist. I have an opaline gourami in a 3-gallon tank (soon to be moved to a 10-gallon when it's finished cycling). I have had him for 18-months (inherited). He has never gotten along with any other fish, even another opaline gourami. He has been through some of the worst conditions (ie: left in tank for 4 weeks without food-not by me of course, dropped numerous times when switching tanks, etc.), but he still perseveres. I would say he is extremely hardy. My LFS said he would never be unaggresive with other fish and to bring him in, they would take him. I really hate to give up on him, though, after all he's been through. What are your opinions?