10gal Journal - DIY slow setup


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
looking real good... im thinking it would be benneficial for you to add some more sand and go with a dsb..also what kind of rock is that?? its guna look sick once its a covered in purple *thumbsups


Medium Fish
Jul 20, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
Its Totoka, cleaned out my LFS took every piece he had.... coulda used a little more but thats all he had. Theres some purple/pink on some of the pieces because he had them in his display tanks in the store.

I probably have another pound of sand in a bucket that i didn't put in because I had read somewhere that you can run into trouble if your sand bed is too deep?

Params last night:

Ammonia = .1ppm
Nitrite = just a trace
nitrate = 0
Ph= unknown - need to get a test kit asap.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if you dont have a 4-6" sandbed than its just for looks basically... i guess theres mixed feelings on the subject but IMO you should either have a DSB in the display or the fuge and since your going with a HOB fuge thats the reason i suggest the DSB in the display.... on the rock you could always add a few pieces of cheaper base rock to sit under those nice rocks you already have and the little bit of purple/pink that you see now will eventually spread everywhere


Medium Fish
Jul 20, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
Alright guys,

My tank has cycled (I'm pretty sure)
Ammonia = 0
NitrITE = 0
Nitrate = 5

And thanks to some cooler days my tank is staying below 80 degrees. So I'm looking to go pick up a CuC.

Here's what I was thinking.
2 Hermits - blue legged.
2-3 snails - nassarius probably.

Any suggestions? do i need more?.. do i need less? should i change what i'm going for?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nassarius bury them selves in the sand wich is good cause they keep it stirred up but also get ceriths and turbos or trochus... astreas are good but if they fall over upside down they can't flip them self back over and they die if you dont catch them first ...what im tryin to say is get a variety so what one type doesnt eat the other will ;) btw id still wait i bit longer if its only been up for a week to be sure you dont have another spike

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Medium Fish
Jul 20, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
nassarius bury them selves in the sand wich is good cause they keep it stirred up but also get ceriths and turbos or trochus... astreas are good but if they fall over upside down they can't flip them self back over and they die if you dont catch them first ...what im tryin to say is get a variety so what one type does eat the other will ;) btw id still wait i bit longer if its only been up for a week to be sure you dont have another spike
Thanks Tre. It'll probably be until the weekend until I will have time to get to the LFS so i'll keep an eye on my params throughout the week.