

Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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ugh...okay...i was snapping pics of my 55 a few minutes ago, and i noticed that Lulu (my baby clown) wasnt in her usual place(hanging out on the right side of the tank waiting for me to toss in some food). being that i broke down the tank the day before and changed the substrate and 50% of the water, she was probably still a little scared and hiding in near some rocks or in the driftwood. i couldnt find her. as i begin counting my fish i notice i only have three clowns swimming around. now im frantic...take of the hood, pick up the driftwood, take the top rocks off of the caves...no loaches.:(

my thoughts are, they couldnt handle the stress of the tank change and passed in the night.:( but, being that the tank was spotless, i thought id find some form of remains. then i remembered what apple snails do.:(

this sucks...

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Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
idk...the other loaches and the tiger barbs are fine, seem to be enjoying the tank quite nicely. it has less of a cave system now, less hiding spaces may have added to the stress. i didnt put in any plants yet.

they were fine when i looked at them before i did the change, but having to net them twice in one day is alot to ask. i also thought that maybe they had jumped out of the net when i was putting them back in, but a check of my floor showed no evidence.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
try vacuuming the substrate for bones their still might be a chance that you still have your loaches and they are buried deep or hiding in the most impossible crack that you wouldn't guess they could fit into.also try looking in a 8 foot radius around your tank.you wouldn't belive how far a fish outta water can flop around.either way i'm sorry to hear that loach.i hate that sinking feeling that comes over you when you notice a missing fish.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
We had that happen once. We were getting 2 clown plecos, they guy put them in the plastic holding tanks that hang on the main tanks, poured them into the bags. When we got to the checkout I was checking out the new fish, but one bag was empty. The poor pleco was still in the holding tank :( It's a good thing I noticed, or we would have paid $9 for a bag of water, and there would have been a dead pleco in the store.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
OMFG!! right when i go to turn off the lights in my 55, who do i see...Lulu!! swimming around happily with the tiger barbs. one of my loaches is still missing, but this gives me hope that hes jammed in a tiny space hiding somewhere.:D

where she was hiding is what i want to know...guess that driftwood has more holes in it then i thought...

sorry about the false post...if i find the other loach tommorrow im really gonna feel like an @$$. well...happy/@$$.:)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
YES!!:D:D i decided to look one more time this morning, and when i took the driftwood out to get a better look...theres the other loach, jammed in a nook in the side of the driftwood(i think he might have been stuck...i had to wiggle him free.)

thanks for all the support everyone, sorry for posting a false obituary. ill delete this post after a while.

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D <---- the most smilies ever in an obituary.

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