16 Gallon...what now?

Feb 27, 2009
Good to know, I hadn't found that anywhere reading about them. Just that they were picky eaters, which crossed them off my list. How do you find yours to be, food-wise?
Honestly, I've never seen them eat anything. I've offered flakes, bloodworms, sinking pellets, and my otos enjoy veggies 2 times a week. They spend most of the time hiding in the plants and have staked out territory around the sponge filters. I think they sustain themselves on the infusoria that lives there.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
So many things to consider...
I think I'm actually going to try and rehome the fish in my 36 gallon. I really want to downsize as I just don't have the time and I may be moving overseas.
Do you think it would be ok to move my unknown number of kuhli loaches (I think I have 3 or 4) and my bristlenose pleco into my 16 gallon tank?
I know my shrimp may be at risk from kuhli's but I love my kuhli's.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I would actually think shrimp would *probably* be okay with kuhlis, with the exception of tiny newborns. My kuhlis never touched even itty bitty newborn snails, though most other loaches munch snails. But I've never had shrimp so I don't actually know.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
So I have found a new home for all my community fish with the expectation of my bristlenose and kuhli's I'm keeping those.
I'm going to put some extra filtration on my 16 gallon and hope that everyone likes their new home.
Do you think it would be too much to add two DP's with my bristlenose and 4 kuhli's in my 16 gallon?

Feb 27, 2009
I've used a fish trap made from a plastic soda bottle with great success with Kuhli loaches. I'd skip feeding for 2 days, then introduce the trap with sinking pellets in it. Caught 11 in one day using that. I had only added 6 initially, so over the years, they must have bred!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Here are some new pictures of my 16 gallon. I added some plants, rocks and a piece of driftwood from my old 36 gallon tank (which is now empty).
Fred, my guppy cross, has some new friends and appears to be the leader of this new school. I bought 6 flame tetras, because I think they would stand out.
I decided against getting more puffers because I want a low maintenance tank (no special food, etc) and I was worried about Fred getting picked on.

One of the flame tetras came with a curved spine (didn't know till I got home), but my LFS said he had them since May and the fish isn't showing any signs of illness. He is a great swimmer, isn't thin and the school seems to accept him. I believe his curved spine is poor genetics rather than illness. I'm really hoping I'm right because the alternative would suck.

IMG_1626.jpg IMG_1630.jpg IMG_1635.jpg IMG_1634.jpg

Feb 27, 2009
I wish I had a decent camera back then, but I had kuhlis breed in a 20something hex tank. I put in 3 and just over a year later, I had 18. They were so adorable, tiny wiggly versions of the adults.