My new 180 gallon is once again empty cause I lost my ray. If anyone's interested I documented the entire story on my blog.
I'm keeping it cycled with ammonia right now, but I won't be getting any more rays. The d. sabina I had was so unique and losing him was so devastating I really have no more interest in rays...
So I decided to go with a SA/CA mix.
My LFS got in four baby electric blue dempseys. A few days ago I couldn't resist and grabbed one. He's residing in my 29 gallon right now with a school of black neons and 2 inch clown loaches, keeping it real. I'm feeding him frozen bloodworms, roe, and pieces of shrimp to get him to grow faster. *SUPERSMIL
The electric blue is the only definite right now going into the 180, but he's only an inch in length so he may be in there for a while.
My stocking plans for the others:
1 red oscar as centerpiece fish
1 green severum
1 electric blue dempsey
5-7 firemouths
Possibly a blue acara as well. I don't want to go crazy on bioload as I'm only running an XP4 (stellar filter, I highly recommend), the biggest aquaclear, and a stripped down emperor.
Obviously this could lead to some aggression issues, especially with the oscar and maybe even the dempsey. With the firemouths, my hope is their aggression will be scattered among each other and maybe the others will target them. Would seven be too many in a 6' foot long 2' foot wide tank? Would they all eventually wear each other down to a single pair?
The plan is to get them all at once at small sizes, maybe throw in a school of silver dollars as targets while the cichlids grow up and then give them back to the lfs, and add the electric blue when he's big enough to fend on his own and not be engulfed by the oscar.
Driftwood and terracotta pots are the decor and provide adequate hiding.
I'm new to keeping multiple aggressive SA/CA cichlids though I've kept discus and angelfish, which ain't the same thing. So any comments or suggestions or other ideas would be highly welcomed.
I'm keeping it cycled with ammonia right now, but I won't be getting any more rays. The d. sabina I had was so unique and losing him was so devastating I really have no more interest in rays...
So I decided to go with a SA/CA mix.
My LFS got in four baby electric blue dempseys. A few days ago I couldn't resist and grabbed one. He's residing in my 29 gallon right now with a school of black neons and 2 inch clown loaches, keeping it real. I'm feeding him frozen bloodworms, roe, and pieces of shrimp to get him to grow faster. *SUPERSMIL
The electric blue is the only definite right now going into the 180, but he's only an inch in length so he may be in there for a while.
My stocking plans for the others:
1 red oscar as centerpiece fish
1 green severum
1 electric blue dempsey
5-7 firemouths
Possibly a blue acara as well. I don't want to go crazy on bioload as I'm only running an XP4 (stellar filter, I highly recommend), the biggest aquaclear, and a stripped down emperor.
Obviously this could lead to some aggression issues, especially with the oscar and maybe even the dempsey. With the firemouths, my hope is their aggression will be scattered among each other and maybe the others will target them. Would seven be too many in a 6' foot long 2' foot wide tank? Would they all eventually wear each other down to a single pair?
The plan is to get them all at once at small sizes, maybe throw in a school of silver dollars as targets while the cichlids grow up and then give them back to the lfs, and add the electric blue when he's big enough to fend on his own and not be engulfed by the oscar.
Driftwood and terracotta pots are the decor and provide adequate hiding.
I'm new to keeping multiple aggressive SA/CA cichlids though I've kept discus and angelfish, which ain't the same thing. So any comments or suggestions or other ideas would be highly welcomed.