That kinda stinks, the wait, but I don't think it is an inconvenience. For a little while atleast, I want to make sure that my fish are doing well, and then check all of my other problems that may appear.
Right now I only have one blue-leg hermit, and I will need to pick up some more inverts for a cleaner crew. Not only that, I don't have my vacuum yet, and there is a spot that is building up a little. With that I want to get a nice schedule for water changes, and to get a good routine for that. Once I make sure that things like my green algae (not much) has disappeared, and my calcium. I want to find a good place to look over SPS and clams, as my LFS doesn't have that great of a selection. I might be looking online (AquariumSupply or LiveAquaria).
On top of all that, I need money. So time is the last thing on my list, luckily.